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Australia - Opinion


Where are the multicultural multitudes when it comes to defending free speech?

I went to a free speech rally, hosted by the Libertarians, in Melbourne today and heard all the pretty platitudes in defence of “democracy”.

About the threat that the mis/disinformation bill and other proposed hate speech legislation poses to the Australian community.

No one mentioned the demographic replacement occurring on our streets due to mass immigration. The immigration hypocritically imposed against the democratic wishes of the population.

Unsurprisingly, and as per usual for such an event, the few hundred people gathered for the protest were overwhelmingly White in appearance. From the very demographic being replaced, nothing was said about this replacement or the abnegation of the so-called democratic process for it to occur in the first place.

“It’s not about race”, White people at these freedom events like to insist, as if the very suggestion is beneath contempt.

But if that were really the case, and it has nothing at all to do with race, then where was the rest of the multicultural multitude?

Why don’t other ethnicities care to gather to defend “our” free speech on a Saturday afternoon in the Flagstaff Gardens? At least in proportion with their percentage of the population?

They were in the city after all, I saw them, on my way to the gardens, it’s impossible to miss them, living parallel lives in their atomised cultural enclaves.

No wonder the elites want to replace White Australians with our inconvenient democratic convictions. Even if such convictions remain ersatz for the time being.

What if they were ever to catch fire with regard to honouring our collective identity? The atavistic spirit of ethnic revival? Well, that would spell trouble, even the end of our ruling elites. Their progressive political formula has become so brittle.

Alas, for the time being, our liberty has already been curtailed by buying into the propagandised fear of being called racist. The threat of the accusation obscuring the need for the proposed legislative changes. Notwithstanding this futility, mainly White Australians still exercised a boutique form of resistance today in Melbourne.

Header image credit: Damien Richardson

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