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Firefighters protest wage freeze while money is pumped into ‘multicultural fire safety’ programs

Hundreds of Victorian firefighters took to the streets of Melbourne this morning, pushing for improvement in working conditions, increased wages, and the sacking of Fire Rescue Commissioner Gavin Freeman.

United Firefighters Union boss Peter Marshall stated earlier this month that members’ wages had been stuck in the mud since 2019 and today were effectively worth 20% less.

One firefighter at the scene said: “We’re protesting our conditions – they won’t sign our EB (enterprise bargaining agreement)”.

Victorian firefighters have not seen wage increases since 2019. Meanwhile Victorian state MPs received their second 3.5% pay rise in two years on July 1, and federal MPs also received a 3.5% pay raise on the same date.

Fire Rescue Victoria now employs Multicultural Liaison Officers (MLOs) across all its districts, and further offers home fire safety familiarisation presentations for adults attending the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

These programs target “adult students newly arrived in Australia”, where students are taught English through the study of fire safety and fire safe behaviours.

The MLOs are also made available to attend “cultural festivals” and facilitate fire station visits by “community and cultural groups”, with Fire Rescue Victoria providing interpreters if required.

The cost of these multicultural programs is understood to be significant, with MLOs believed to be partly responsible for the 5.4% increase in wage cost for the service – all while individual wages have not risen for four years.

These programs have left many firefighters wondering if there would be more money to improve working conditions if it wasn’t busy being spent upon the ever-increasing costs of multiculturalism and mass-migration.

Header image credit: George Roberts

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