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Public swimming pool warning after massive increase in parasitic infections in Victoria

Victorians have been warned not to use public swimming pools for at least two weeks after having diarrhoea after a huge spike in cryptosporidiosis infections.

The Department of Health said last week that cases of the parasitic infection were increasing across the state, with 87 so far this year alone – above the five-year average.

In 2024 there were a record 2,349 cryptosporidiosis cases reported to the department – a 233% increase on the previous year.

Chief Health Officer Tarun Weeramanthri said chlorine kills most germs in treated public pools but some, including the parasite cryptosporidium, were highly resistant to chlorine at normal concentrations and can present a health risk.

“It’s important to remember that you remain infectious for several weeks after your diarrhoea stops,” he said.

“So don’t swim until two weeks after your symptoms have stopped. It’s the simple steps that are most effective – showering with soap before swimming will help keep germs out of the water.

“And of course, avoid swallowing the pool water if you can.

“If you think you or your child may have cryptosporidiosis, contact your doctor. The doctor will assist you for testing.”

Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis include watery diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fever, vomiting and loss of appetite.

The parasite that causes the infection, cryptosporidium, can be transmitted in contaminated water by drinking or swimming, in contaminated food, or by touching surfaces contaminated by the faeces of infected people.

The Department of Health warning comes after two years of record-high immigration, mainly from countries such as India where public health standards are far lower than in Australia.

In the last financial year, the top three countries of birth for immigrant arrivals were India, China, the Philippines, with 87,600 Indians, 75,830 Chinese, and 36,830 Filipinos moving to Australia in the year to June 2024, according to Australia Bureau of Statistic figures released in December.

The surge in immigration has also resulted in a disproportionate number of immigrant drownings, with the overseas-born making up 34% of deaths in recent years.

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