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Almost 100,000 Victorians terrorised by home invasions since 2014 – Africans overrepresented

Victoria Police figures reveal there have been 37,668 home invasions in the state since 2014, affecting more than 94,000 residents and one in 75 homes.

And while the police no longer release offender nationality statistics to the public, the last available figures show that Sudan and South Sudan-born offenders are heavily overrepresented in crime statistics, especially in the aggravated burglary category.

An aggravated burglary is one where there is a break-in at a property and a person is at home. With 2.5 residents per household, the number of Victorians likely affected by aggravated burglaries during the past decade is 94,220.

According to the police figures, there was an average of 15 of these offences each day in 2023, and the total of aggravated burglaries was up 130% since 2014 from 2,420 to 5,590, the Herald Sun reported.

Wealthy suburbs have experienced the biggest increases, with home invasions in Bayside increasing 673%, 575% in Glen Eira, and 455% in Whitehorse over the same period.

Monash experienced the largest jump in Victoria, a 1,760% increase to 279 incidents from just 15 a decade ago.

Kingston suffered 182 last year, up from 37 in 2014.

Mum-of-two Noeleene Flynn told the publication that there had been multiple home invasions on her street in Black Rock in recent months, leaving her and her family terrified that machete-wielding thugs would target them next.

European Australian Movement leader Thomas Sewell also revealed in a recent video that there had been two break-ins on his Melbourne street.

In April former Victoria Police officer Krystle Mitchell revealed police shut down an investigations into crimes involving African offenders to avoid being seen as racist.

Ms Mitchell, who quit the force in 2021 in protest at having to enforce then-Premier Daniel Andrews’ draconian Covid restrictions and lockdowns, made the revelation in relation to a report about an alleged Facebook Marketplace robbery by an African suspect in Melbourne.

“We ran an operation in North Melbourne focusing on this sub-set of offenders (around 2018 if I recall), due to armed robberies. The operation got canned due to ‘optics’ that we were being racist,” she said.

“All crime data pointed to this sub-set of offenders committing the crimes.”

2018 was the last year Victoria Police reported the nationality of offenders in their crime statistics, omitting the information ever since after complaints from the African community were seized on by the state’s Labor government and the corporate press.

At the beginning of that year, even then-Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton weighed in on the issue of African crime in Melbourne, which at that time was receiving national attention.

“The Victorian public is really outraged by some of the goings on … the reality is people are scared to go out to restaurants of a night time because they’re followed home by these gangs, home invasion and cars are stolen.”

Mr Dutton, now Opposition leader, had also called upon the Labor government to “call it for what it is – of course it’s African gang violence”.

The then-deputy police commissioner Shane Patton, who was later promoted to Chief Commissioner during the Covid lockdowns, claimed at the time that there was no African gang problem because “networked criminal offenders” were not technically “gangs”.

The crime statistics for the year ending in March 2018 showed that Sudan and South Sudan-born offenders were overrepresented in crime statistics by a factor of 10 – committing 1.1% of the offences despite being 0.1% of the Victorian population.

They also committed 3.8% of aggravated burglaries, 8.5% of aggravated robberies, 1.5% of car thefts, 1.2% of common assaults, 4.9% of riot and affray offences, 1.8% of serious assaults, and 0.7% of sexual offences in the state.

At that time Victoria was home to Australia’s largest South Sudanese population, about 9,000 people, most living in Melbourne.

In 2021, Africans, mainly South Sudanese, made up 19% of the young people in custody, while being only 0.5% of the youth population.

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