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There’s never been a better time to kill off ‘welcome to country’

AFL fans were slapped in the face with the usual “welcome to country” spectacle on Saturday, but this one was a little different.

The suspiciously pale professional aboriginal seemed to sense the Australian public’s growing contempt for the practice, and instead of confidently carrying out fake ritual he made a mistake – he went on the defensive and showed weakness.

He directly addressed a fact that more and more Australians are becoming aware of – that the ceremony was invented in the 1970s and has since morphed into a weapon used to humiliate the Anglo-Celtic majority.

“I’m here this evening to perform a ceremony of welcome to country,” said Brendan Kerin, who works for an aboriginal land council, a type of organisation which wants to reconquer Australia by stealth.

“A welcome to country is not a welcome to Australia. Within Australia we have many aboriginal lands and we refer to our lands as ‘country’.

“So it’s always a welcome to the lands you’ve gathered on.”

This was a clear response to those of us who dare to say that we don’t like being welcomed to our own country, but it is a false statement. There are no aboriginal lands, it’s all Australia.

He then said:  “A welcome to country is not a ceremony we’ve invented to cater for White people.

“It’s a ceremony we’ve been doing for 250,000 years-plus BC. And the BC stands for Before Cook.”

Another series of false statements. It was invented, although not technically to cater to White people, but to hoodwink us into accepting the whole idea of “country” and “aboriginal lands”, and the 250,000 years number is ahistorical rubbish.

Mr Kerin then followed this up with a veiled threat: “Prior to colonisation, you could get yourself in a lot of trouble for walking on someone else’s lands without being welcomed onto those lands.

“So for me it’s always an honour to perform this ceremony.”

The implication being that he’s doing us a favour by welcoming us onto his land, even though the land is ours, not his, and we all know it.

But this is not how those whose ideology is in the ascendancy speak.

This was petty, insecure and weak.

The aboriginal industrial complex knows we’re fed-up, it knows the average Australian is starting to see through all of the lies, and the Voice gave it a scare.

So it’s lashing out and doubling down, which means that now is the time to kill it off, once and for all, and leave it dead and buried for all eternity.

If you have been silent so far, there is no better time to speak up now, no better time to fight back against these ridiculous ceremonies, whether they be at work or at sporting events.

Refuse to acknowledge fake history, refuse to be welcomed to your own land, and refuse to allow the country that your ancestors built to be chipped away and undermined by resentful aborigines and self-hating Whites.

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