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The right-wing case for including homosexuals in the census


Australian leftists, homosexuals and journalists have spent the past week obsessing about whether the 2026 Census should include questions on sexual deviancy and gender-related mental illness.

The so-called LGBTQI+ community, along with Labor, Liberal and Greens MPs, were upset over the federal government ordering the Australian Bureau of Statistics to cancel the set of draft questions because they were “complicated” and inappropriate”.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese then caved and said the ABS would test a new question on “sexuality”. LGBT extremists were still unhappy, because they also want Australians to be asked about their “gender identity”, and have “intersex” included as an option for biological sex.

The issue has been largely ignored by right-wingers and conservatives, and Opposition leader Peter Dutton went from opposing the inclusion of such questions to saying he would be “fine” with it, probably because he realised no-one really cares.

But despite our opposition to far-left gender ideology and its normalisation, we believe including census questions on homosexuality and “transgenderism” would be a net positive, for the following reasons:

  • It will show what a tiny minority of the population those with gender delusions are (Scotland’s 2022 census revealed they are 0.44% of the population). At present the average Australian likely thinks that transsexuals are far more numerous than they actually are, due to media and popular culture propaganda. A 2022 YouGov poll found that American adults vastly overestimate the size of minority groups, especially for “trans” people (estimate: 21%, true: 0.6%)
  • Knowing what proportion of the population is homosexual is vital information for the taxpayer, who is constantly being slugged for “pride” events, rainbow crossings and other LGBT initiatives to please a noisy minority. It will make it easier to oppose such things at council meetings
  • It will likely reveal that younger age groups are more homosexual, allowing us to investigate and discuss why this is (we already know)
  • It will tell us which suburbs are the most infested with sexual deviants
  • It will tell us which immigrant and ancestry groups have the biggest LGBT problems
  • How many “transgender” aboriginals are there? How many lesbian Muslims?
  • The questions are bound to be hilarious and guaranteed to make a mockery of the whole concept of gender identity. eg. how many gender options will they include?
  • No matter what happens some LGBT extremists will still be upset. eg. freaks mad because their imaginary gender not included, ABS accused of “outing gay teens” to their families, “triggering” media coverage, etc.

As right-wingers, we should never be afraid of facts and data – we want to know an expose the truth, while leftists want to hide it and push lies instead. The more information we have, the more we can use it to our advantage, and we suspect this is the real reason Labor tried to quietly scrap the questions.

We therefore call on the Australian Bureau of Statistics to ask as many questions on this topic as possible, and about ethnicity too.

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