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Australia - Opinion


The only time it’s okay to hate foreigners

Australia has never had a government, political establishment and media class that is more pro-foreigner.

Labor brought in 1.5 million immigrants in less than two years (the Coalition would have done the same), and both Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition leader Peter Dutton spent yesterday gushing about a Hindu festival.

The corporate media constantly runs cover for foreign criminals, is pro-mass immigration, and pushed for new anti-free speech laws to stop the feelings of foreigners being hurt.

But this week showed us that there is still one type of foreigner it’s okay to hate, bully and deport – White people.

For daring to lift up a baby wombat, an American tourist was subjected to a days-long media pile-on, attacked by both Dutton and Albanese, and had her visa investigated.

Never mind that the government hands out permits to landowners to kill wombats by shooting or poisoning, along with other native animals like dingos, kangaroos and emus, on a grand scale. But God forbid someone picks one up.

And of course it’s okay to destroy native wildlife habitats for wind and solar farms so the same politicians and their journalist pets can virtue-signal about stopping climate change while dismantling the grid, pushing power prices up and de-industrialising the country.

Fortunately for the American she had already left Australia, otherwise she would no doubt have been deported and paraded for the cameras like a modern-day witch on the way to be burned at the stake.

But that didn’t stop her from getting thousands of death threats and being turned into a global news story, which was legitimised by the official response, as media pile-ons can only go so far without the sanction of those in power.

As pointed out in The Noticer, the government figures calling for her head are the same ones who don’t seem to have a problem with non-White foreigners staying in Australia even if they are murderers, paedophiles and rapists.

And when an aboriginal police officer killed an ate a wombat in South Australia in 2019, that was okay of course, because he wasn’t White.

Meanwhile, on the same day as the hate machine was hitting full gear over the wombat video, it was quietly revealed that a Pakistani refugee rapist was on the loose in Melbourne after cutting off his ankle bracelet a week earlier.

No comment from Immigration Minister Tony Burke, Albanese, or Dutton, of course, and very limited media coverage, and 11 days later he’s still roaming free.

Nor did any of the above feel compelled to comment when a human baby was scalded with hot coffee and scarred for life by a Chinese immigrant in an antiwhite hate crime last year.

Nor did they weigh in when human grandmother Vyleen White was stabbed to death, allegedly by a Sudanese teenager, in front of her human granddaughter in Brisbane.

And the unhinged response to the wombat video tells you exactly why.

Australians are sick of immigration and the destruction it brings, sick of foreign criminals, sick of non-stop political pandering to minorities, and sick of being silenced, so when they are given the chance to express their righteous anger it is a sight to behold.

Granted official permission to attack a foreigner, even for something as minor as picking up a wombat, and the entire country was suddenly baying for blood.

There is a lot of justifiable anger bubbling away beneath the surface, so every now and then the release valve needs to be pulled to channel it towards a safe target.

Because if it isn’t, if the Australian public are allowed to express their anger about all foreigners – not just ones without taxpayer-funded community groups, NGOs and powerful global diasporas to defend them – the people currently in power are going to be voted out very quickly.

For those of us who want our country back, who want mass deportations and a political class and media with an in-group preference instead of an out-group one, this is a very encouraging sign.

It means the Australian people are still prepared to fight for their country, they just need to be told it’s okay.

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