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The greatest national security crisis in Australia’s history

Last week, the Chinese Navy conducted live fire drills in international waters between Australia and New Zealand.

It was an aggressive action designed to intimidate the Australian government, and to test the response of our military and of our Great and Powerful Friend, America. It was a huge Chinese success, with the taskforce assigned to shadow them failing to notify the mainland, with the alert coming from the New Zealand Navy (what’s left of it) and a Virgin Australia pilot.

At least the memes are cool:

The Australian government faces a scandal after it lied about how precisely how it was notified, and it’s been crickets from the Americans.

Check out the looks on Peter Jennings’ and Andrew Bolt’s faces at the end of this segment:

We’re toast.

Unlike much of Australia’s political and defence establishment, these two gentlemen are not retarded, and they know what Donald Trump is like – if defending Australia was a priority for him he would have said something by now. One may insist that America will never let anything happen to Australia because Pine Gap. Meanwhile in Europe….

Okay then, so we may be about to discover firsthand the cold hard truth behind the axiom that it is dangerous to be an ally of America, but what about our shared history and cultural values? Surely America will defend a fellow member of the Anglosphere….

Thus we see the folly of redefining a nation from its multi-millennia basis of blood and soil, to being based on a vague and ever shifting set of “values”. What does our shared history of settlement by the British, Irish and a smattering of northern Europeans in centuries past mean to the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded via mass immigration in recent decades and who are swiftly displacing native Anglos?

Absolutely nothing.

@heraldsun_ Twenty-five years ago thousands of Victorians were born into a Smith family, but as Victoria’s multicultural population explodes, these are the new surnames taking over. #melbourne #victoria ♬ original sound – Herald Sun

A multicultural America will not care about a multicultural Australia. Mark Moncrieff recently exposed the lie of the “populate or perish argument”:

“Defending Australia was never the reason mass immigration was started because there was never a population target to reach and it was never designed to be turned off, only started.”

Purportedly to ward off invasion by Asia, we invited in millions of Asian invaders. Without mass repatriation we will become Asia. This in turn weakened the ties which bound us to Great Britain and to America. We used to think of the Poms and Yanks as our cousins, and for many of us this was quite literal. Now our counties are torn in every direction.

According to a former Prime Ministerial advisor, loyalty to Australia is even defined by loyalty to another country, and multiculturalism only went wrong when it threatened loyalty to said country.

Prior to Trump’s election last year, the sole remaining factor tying Australia to Western nations was our membership in the so-called “rules based order”, otherwise known as Clownworld.

However, Trump is pulling America out of Clownworld, he’s going to war with the deep state, and is spurning traditional allies in order to turn America into the world’s largest superstate both in terms of contiguous land mass, industry and population.

He’s basically playing Civilization (with a bit of the new gay multicultural Civ VII thrown in.) The game helps us understand how the world’s masters view geopolitics – ie from the top down.


To compete with the dominant  Asian landmass (the central island) America must get bigger than it, then sever its land connection to Africa by dissecting Syria and colonising Gaza.

For White Americans, the short term looks rosy. Elon Musk is not ideological in the way you and I, dear reader, are ideological. His ideology is to make humanity multiplanetary in order to ensure its survival. He is attacking DEI, government waste and the deep state because it is the single greatest impediment to achieving this goal. So despite his support for infinity “legal” brown immigration, with the boot off their necks and a more level playing field White Americans will at least have a chance to compete. The CivNat TechBros will by default aid the cause of White Americans.

Moreover, the Trump administration wants America to be the first superpower to weaponise space, mine the asteroid belt and colonise Mars in order to prevent its competitors from even getting there. If America wins the space race, it will be the main beneficiary of an industrial revolution which will change everything. Again, White men will benefit by default given we are best suited to exploring, conquering and colonising cold, dangerous new frontiers. Thus the long term is looking rosy too.

However, for those of you who are like, “okay so America may abandon its allies, multiculturalism has weakened our racial and cultural bonds, and America is leaving Clownworld, but they wouldn’t just let China have all our resources, would they?”

Sure, try competing with an asteroid 900 times the size of the world’s entire economy.

Hence the looks on Peter Jennings’ and Andrew Bolt’s faces. We’re toast. The game has changed and Australia doesn’t matter. The superpowers are dividing the world into spheres of influence and a peripheral Australia is in China’s zone.

Australia faces its biggest national security crisis in our entire history, far bigger than the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Japanese invasion of New Guinea. At the very moment that the guarantor of our existence as an independent country undergoes a radical priority shift, China owns a port on our top end, is attempting to establish military bases in the South Pacific Islands, is conducting force projection exercises off the coast of Tassie, and it has millions of colonists living in some of the nicest parts of our biggest cities.

Australia should have had nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers decades ago. We now need hypersonic missiles, hundreds of thousands of drones and mass deportations. We don’t need infinity brown immigration; robots, AI and intelligent White Australians deeply invested in the future of our nation can rebuild our country, our manufacturing and our defence.

Instead, not only the ADF but police forces across the country are bleeding recruits because the government’s systematic repression of White Australian interests means nobody wants to defend Clownworld Australia. Incredibly, Australian nationalists are prevented from so much as assembling in public. As has been pointed out:

“If you don’t allow Nationalists like us to participate in the political process, Australia as a sovereign entity will soon cease to exist.”

It goes without saying that our rulers do not actually care. Australian nationalists must win, because Australians will only fight for Australia if it is our homeland and nobody else’s. Australian nationalists are the only political force capable of defending Australia because we are the only political force which wants Australia to exist.

This article originally appeared on the XYZ, and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

Header image: People’s Liberation Army-Navy Jiangkai-class frigate Hengyang (Copyright – ADF)

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