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The Great Replacement goes mainstream in Australia

Sky News presenter Andrew Bolt is the Tucker Carlson of Australian politics. Every weeknight hundreds of thousands of normie Aussie conservatives tune in to watch him articulate what they’re all thinking and feeling.

Last week he openly stated that the Great Replacement is real, and he mocked those who claim it is a crazy conspiracy theory.

That’s a big deal.

Bolt’s main points:

  • The immigration rate of half a million annually is “crazy”.
  • This is replacing Australians, because the birth rate is collapsing while the population explodes due to immigration.
  • Mass immigration directly suppresses the birth rate because it puts pressure on inflation and interest rates, thus many Aussies conclude they cannot afford to have children.
  • In conjunction with mass replacement immigration, the government pushes multiculturalism and anti-White / anti-Australian policies.

Here is the full transcript (minus a brief cutaway):

“Today, proof that the Albanese government is destroying Australia. Destroying it almost literally by its crazy immigration intake. In fact it is replacing Australians with immigrants, as well as tearing down our national symbols, our traditions.

“Now this is not a conspiracy theory, you know, [speaking in a funny voice] The Great Replacement. It’s fact.

“Our latest fertility figures show Australian women have never had fewer babies per person, not in the history of modern Australia. Just 1.5 babies now per woman, and that means we’re not even having anywhere near enough babies to replace ourselves. For that you need just over two babies per woman.

“Yet as you know, our population is not shrinking, it’s actually exploding, our cities are crammed full of people. But that’s because this government is also giving us record numbers of immigrants, I mean crazy numbers, I mean, half a million immigrants a year right now. So, what we are seeing is fewer Australians who are actually born here, and many immigrants, many more of them, who were not.

“Now you might think, well, thank heavens for that, because we need to replace these Australians who aren’t breeding. But in fact that high immigration is a reason, might be a big reason, why Australians aren’t replacing themselves with babies. They’re linked.

“All those immigrants are all looking for somewhere to live, then you can see the result. I mean, housing has never in our lifetime been so unaffordable. And even the government admits that high housing prices is a reason Australian women are having fewer babies. And much later in life when they can finally afford them….

“And it’s not just the lack of cheap housing that’s causing Australians to have fewer babies, to not replace themselves. Australians are also getting poorer per person under this government. I mean, the high inflation, the high interest rates, the terrible productivity growth. And today the unemployment rate, it went down again to just 4.1%. And that is actually good news for some people. But it does mean that interest rates are going to stay high for longer, which is pain for a lot of people.

“And it all adds up to a baby drought, and to Australia being changed dramatically. And it’s not just that the proportion of Australians born here is plummeting, I mean, now just 70% of us. At the same time this government is helping to trash our history and Australia’s symbols.

“For instance it flies three flags, not just the Australian one but two race ones as well. It’s let 80 councils ban citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day out of shame of our past. It also seems that multiculturalism now means celebrating every culture but our own.

“And the result? Well you see it, Australia is changing in front of your eyes, and in ways that often seem shocking. Alien, dare I say.”

There are two important caveats here. Firstly, Sustainable Population Australia points out that the government is happy to exploit the low birth rate to scare Australians into accepting higher immigration. This argument is sound. A nation can survive population decline and economic hardship, it cannot survive replacement.

Secondly, YouTuber Friendly Jordies correctly notes that both the Liberal and Labor parties are responsible for Australia’s insane immigration rate, which drives down wages and working conditions and further enriches the banks. He especially singles out John Howard for leveraging his image as a hard man for stopping the boats in order to escalate immigration to what was then an unprecedented level.

Importantly, neither Sustainable Population Australia nor Friendly Jordies could be considered farrrrrr rrrright. Jordies even supports the Labor Party. I had expected a Dinosaur media pile on over Bolt’s segment yet none was forthcoming. In 2024, opposition to mass replacement immigration is a normie political position.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party now advocates for “net zero” population growth, with Malcolm Roberts’ statements becoming more radical by the day.

Meanwhile, Gerrard Rennick proposes banning foreigners from buying residential land, agricultural land and infrastructure, and LNP candidates are posting “proud to be White” memes on social media.

Several years ago when Australia’s entire political and media establishment melted down over Fraser Anning’s proposal for a moratorium on immigration, The XYZ predicted that in several years time he would be considered a moderate. Now Australia has half a dozen Fraser Annings, deportation is being mainstreamed in Australia, Europe and America, and nationalist activists are receiving overwhelming support for their demonstrations.

As predicted, the Regime is also preparing to outlaw all Christian and nationalist activism.

It smacks of desperation. Clownworld, which controls the Australian Regime, faces war on four fronts.

Everything is coming to a head. There’s going to be a showdown, and it will present us with many opportunities.

This article originally appeared on XYZ and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

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