Killing of South Africa’s Dr Verwoerd shows why Trump must never relax

Hendrik Verwoerd was killed six years after surviving a first assassination attempt.
Treasonous proposal to let non-citizens vote is a threat to our sovereignty

It is our duty to preserve the legacy of our forebears for future generations.
Corporate media says it’s ‘undemocratic’ to stop non-citizens from voting

Contender for worst article of the year to date.
Time to end the DEI experiment – fire all women in the Secret Service

The Trump shooting was one big long woman moment.
Elections in Britain, France and Iran have one winner: The status quo

Business is expected to continue as usual, but there are still some takeaways worth discussing.
MEGALOPOLIS: The future of independent and right wing cinema

John MacDonald on right-wing cinema and film criticism.
Immigration is why Australia is so left-wing now

Demography is destiny, and this explains our leftward political shift.
How LGBT pride events groom children

Adult events with sexually charged themes are being pushed on minors.
The great British betrayal: The rise of Britain’s rentier regime

Keith Woods on Britain’s transformation into a postnational state.
Asian immigrant who runs diversity consultancy says companies need more diversity

Shameful propaganda from The Australian, but luckily their readers aren’t buying it.
Are mass deportations possible? The case of the Dominican Republic

If the Dominican Republic can do it, so can we.
The populist insurgency amidst the spectre of White identity

How anti-immigration populists are clearing the way for the real right-wing.
Climate change media coverage now indistinguishable from satire

The Washington Post wants you to be worried about global warming AND cooling.
The Trump-Biden debate confirms that democracy is fake

Biden is not running the country, so who is?
US troops continue to terrorise Germans and Japanese

America’s foreign troop deployments are yet again causing international incidents.