The real reason the Australian government is banning kids from social media

David Hiscox explains how the state goal of the government belies its true intent.
Q+A panellists waffle in defence of multiculturalism

A brave woman dared to question the official religion of the Australian regime.
The right-wing case for including homosexuals in the census

The more data we have on these people the better.
Nature versus the LGBT

John Grant on how trans advocates and politicians have destroyed the natural order.
Indigenous Americans must resist the Great Replacement

Our interests are being drowned out too, writes Anishinaabe Man.
Inventing political victory: What the right wing can learn from entreprenuers

John Lawson on what right wingers can learn from the biggest winners of our age.
Women have long stood against foreign wars

A mother’s perspective on America’s involvement in foreign wars.
Nationalists should embrace the rewilding movement

Make Europe wild again, writes Keith Woods.
Exposing Britain’s two-tier justice system

The Southport stabbing and its aftermath have exposed the two-tier system.
Keir Starmer’s anti-White police state

We must begin to defuse the dangerous powderkeg that is multicultural Britain.
Conservatives must learn that tradition is non-negotiable

Our survival depends upon a return to Tradition.
ABC tries to write an article on ‘period poverty’ without mentioning women

A valiant effort at political correctness by ABC journalist Heloise Vyas.
Southport stabbing: How many child sacrifices are enough?

Our children bear the brunt of poor policymaking, White-Papers writes.
Trump is heading for defeat

Without a dramatic change of strategy, this election is now the Democrats’ to lose, writes Keith Woods.
Soft-on-crime lefties can’t complain about rape and domestic violence

You can have low crime, or you can have liberalism, but you can’t have both.