The Great Replacement accelerates in New Zealand and Australia

New Zealand is on track to become minority White by 2028.
Martin Place humiliation

David Hiscox on the act of ritual humiliation in the heart of Sydney.
You can and should be blaming immigrants for Australia’s decline

Tim Matheson on who we should blame for Australia’s destruction.
The cultural erasure of Old Australia

John Grant on the elimination of our cultural inheritance.
ABC describes woman’s breast removal as ‘de-feminising surgery’

Sickening trans normalisation propaganda from ABC News.
Dutton is right on international student rorts – but he won’t stop them

Tim Matheson on the student visa rorts plaguing Australia.
Tactical libertarianism

John Lawson responds to Tim Matheson’s piece on libertarians.
What’s the point of the ADF when we’re being invaded through the front door?

Tim Matheson on the dangers posted by immigrant 5th columns.
Labor is creating a one-party state through mass importation of Indians

Kos Samaras went mask off with two tweets about Indian voters.
No Australian wants to police a pro-criminal economic zone

A former Victoria cop gives his opinion on the police recruitment crisis.
John Ruddick confirms the Libertarian Party is just another Trojan horse for more immigration

Tim Matheson on why the Libertarian Party cannot be trusted.
A glimpse inside the mind of an Australian journalist

They are terrified someone might think they aren’t left-wing.
The erasure of Old Australia

John Grant on the destruction of Australia’s beautiful cities before our eyes.
Leftist NZ Herald social media team goes mask off

The NZ Herald’s social media team is staffed by far-left extremists.
There’s never been a better time to kill off ‘welcome to country’

Zac Brandon on why now is the time to finish off this ridiculous ceremony.