How to stop Australia’s tobacco wars

The tobacco wars are an entirely imported problem.
Covid inquiry is just more ‘pandemic’ gaslighting

David Hiscox on Australia’s farcical Covid inquiry.
Nationalists are the only ones standing up for the working class

Graham Norris on the left’s abandonment of workers.
ABC uses immigrant sob story to advocate for open borders

ABC News wants citizenship for everyone.
Refugee lawyer wants hundreds of African criminals set free

Tim Matheson on the push to release more violent immigration detainees.
The Great Replacement goes mainstream in Australia

David Hiscox on Andrew Bolt acknowledging the Great Replacement.
India is weaponising its diaspora against Australia and traitors are allowing it

Tim Matheson on India’s silent colonisation of Australia.
Corporate media’s ‘debunking’ of Corowa protest debunked

The Age are trying to cover up what’s going on in Corowa.
Stop the uniparty’s immigration madness – or go extinct

Zac Brandon on why voters must punish both major parties.
Muslim senator chickens out on Islamic party

David Hiscox on Fatima Payman’s boring nothing party.
Modernity fears new fascist analogue film camera – ‘Pentax 17’

John MacDonald on the first entirely new film camera for many years.
Multiculturalism advocates are reaping what they sowed

Tim Matheson on the multicultural mayhem erupting on our streets.
Where are the multicultural multitudes when it comes to defending free speech?

Damien Richardson on free speech and demographic replacement.
Don’t censor Palestinian protesters

Fred Pawle on free speech for pro-Palestine protesters.
Media union upset over humiliation of ‘woman of colour’ journalist

Anushri Sood was exposed as a fool, and the media union are furious.