CNN’s horrific take on illegal immigrant murder of White student Laken Riley

One of the worst “minorities are the real victims” stories yet.
Interview of journalist turns into anti-White hatefest

Benjamin Law and Yumi Stynes get together to bitch about how much they hate White Australians.
One Nation betrays supporters on immigration

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation has strayed from its founding values and failed to keep its promises to voters.
Why vote for a party that doesn’t want to win?

Nathan Conroy is everything wrong with the Liberal Party.
Black woman uses Taylor Swift as an excuse to write an anti-White hate screed

This anti-White diatribe would earn you a racial vilification charge if it was about any other race.
Media claims immigrants lift wages (fact check – FALSE)

The article’s central claim is not backed up, and not true.
Collateral damage: Australians sacrificed on the altar of openness

Murder, crime and civic chaos are the results of policies that prioritise openness above all other values.
African community reports racist social media abuse after Ipswich stabbing death

The ABC tries to “debunk” crime fears with statistics, but ends up showing assaults are at record highs.
An alleged gang rape shocks Italy, and provides fodder for an ascendant far right

CNN did not cover the story when it happened.
The Putin-Carlson interview: An analysis by Charlie Baerbock

Charlie Baerbock reads between the lines of an extraordinary interview – and provides a glimmer of hope.
We need a Bukele, not a Crisafulli

Neither David Crisafulli nor Steven Miles are capable of solving Queensland’s youth crime crisis.
Queensland’s African diaspora “a community under siege”

You’ll find no better example of the “minorities are the real victims” story than this.
This weekend’s stabbing revealed a broken Australia

Vyleen White was allegedly stabbed to death at a shopping centre in Redbank Plains.
Crackdown on an already banned Hamas raises free speech fears in Germany

Journalists are suddenly worried about free speech when one of their pet causes, Palestine, is on the wrong end of a crackdown.
Peculiar phenomenon of government-backed “protests” against YOU

Don’t let them fool you with fake rallies for finished causes.