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Stop the uniparty’s immigration madness – or go extinct

Last month Labor made a remarkable admission that went almost unnoticed.

Speaking to The Sydney Institute, Assistant Minister for Immigration Matt Thistlethwaite said:

“Migration has been unresponsive to Australia’s needs; it has provided marginal economic benefit and has not enhanced labour productivity.

It has been concentrated on capital cities, creating some social tension and skills shortages have persisted despite steady flows of new arrivals within needed skills and competencies.

The reliance on labour migration to solve our skills gaps led to under investment in vocational education with commensurate falls in apprentices and trainees in key sectors, particularly services, which are vital to our standard of living with an ageing population.

For the last decade it appears that immigration was not benefiting Australians as it had in the past.”

But according to the Albanese government, the only way to respond is by importing even more immigrants.

This year’s migration forecast was blown away by the actual numbers, which when combined with those for the next three years are set to add almost 2 million extra foreigners to the population by 2028 – more than the population of South Australia.

So it’s clear that Labor has no intention of bringing migration under control, but what about the Coalition?

Well, on Sunday there was another admission that was ignored by the entire corporate media except Sky News (who aired it).

Shadow Immigration Minister Dan Tehan was asked about the Coalition’s plans to reduce net overseas migration to 160,000 next year, 100,000 less than Labor’s unlikely forecast.

But when asked by host Andrew Clennell where the cuts were going to come from, he couldn’t answer. He waffled and dodged and weaved and basically admitted that there are no policies or plans, and that his party’s targets are just as fake as Labor’s.

The only thing Tehan could even commit to was a crackdown on fake asylum claims, hardly a major component of the net migration figures.

And seeing as the Coalition created the system that gave us record-high immigration and is under the thumb of the business lobby, it seems highly unlikely that their target will be met either.

So what to make of all this?

It’s clear that both parties know that immigration is destroying the country, they tell us this openly, but are determined to continue with it anyway.

This is absolutely insane governance.

Nor can they claim that they are keeping election promises or doing what the voters want – we all know that there has not been a single poll this century where a majority of Australians say they want more immigration.

They are defying the will of the people to keep bringing in more immigrants, even though they know it is tearing our society apart while providing us with no benefits in return, simply because it keeps the housing bubble inflated and they’re afraid of being called racist.

We wouldn’t accept this kind of behaviour from a boss, a family member, a community leader, or anyone else, so it’s time we stopped allowing the uniparty to get away with what amounts to reckless damage on a national scale.

And if we don’t stop them, mass immigration will continue until your votes no longer matter because you’re outnumbered by foreigners in your own land.

So you can either decide to finally punish the major parties for decades of demographic destruction, or slowly go extinct.

The choice is yours.

Header image: Crowds of Indians at a Diwali event in Harris Park, Sydney, on Sunday (Councillor Patricia Prociv – Facebook)

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