Editor’s note: This is an unedited letter from Stephen Wells, provided by his wife and verified by Noticer News. At one point he says the “chief of police of WA” – we believe he meant to say SA (South Australia). You can read more about his case in our previous articles, and support his legal defence here.
On March the 5th I attended court for the fourth time.
I parted ways with my lawyer and represented myself. My bail conditions were discussed. The magistrate gave me the opportunity to argue why he should drop the conditions restricting my freedom of movement to WA and forbidding me to contact any members of the NSN. I was unable to convince him.
My main argument was the presumption of innocence being violated by the punishment inflicted by the bail conditions, and the assertion that the prosecution have deliberately made an illegal arrest on false charges for the sole purpose of curtailing my political activities for four to six months or longer, because they know such bail conditions are normal. They use the normal everyday habits of the court to further their own illegal ends.
So I will remain in solitary confinement in the punishment block of a maximum security remand centre until at least the 17th of April when the pretrial is to be held at 2:15pm, barring intervention from God. Please pray for me.
After I failed to get the bail conditions dropped the prosecution dropped the original charge of loitering. The more serious charge of displaying a Nazi symbol remains.
I then argued that the dropping of the original reason for arrest was evidence of a false arrest and that the secondary charge should be dismissed as it was obtained via illegal search and seizure of myself and clothes. The magistrate also rejected this argument.
It is, however, an argument that I will persist with if I am able to, for clearly the arrests were premeditated and the charge of loitering predetermined.
The chief of police of WA went on TV the day before my arrest and announced that he was granting himself special powers to stop the NSN from assembling. That power was false arrest for loitering no matter where we assembled or what we did. Once arrested, they had time to look for other fake crimes.
The police didn’t even look at my shirt until an hour before the first bail hearing, so they clearly were desperate to find a better excuse for stopping me from attending another Nationals event outside of WA for as long as possible.
Thank you to all those who have given me support. Special thanks to all those who have helped my wife during this difficult time. Keep the pressure on the mainstream media and politicians. God bless you all!