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Australia - Opinion


They are stealing Australia from us

The South Australian government has enacted a ban on access to Lake Eyre, whether by walking, boating or driving. The state government enacted the total ban after consultation with the “Arabana Aboriginal Corporation”, which helped design the management plan cited in the announcement.

The ban has been justified under the triple hydra of aboriginal sacred sites/environmentalism/public safety. Apparently the lake is dangerous because it is possible to wander out onto the dry lake bed and get lost. Fancy that.

Locals are up in arms, recreational boat users are up in arms, commenters on media websites are up in arms, an armless man is up in arms, but nothing is going to change. This ban is not the first and it certainly will not be the last, because the Left can only eat itself.

The successful government prohibition of climbing Ayers Rock was the precedent that all bets were off the table as regards to removing Australians from their own country.

Step by step we are being pushed off our land, herded into the major cities and regional centres where we are crushed by the never-ending onrush of foreign immigrants. The Left, powered by White liberals, hate our people and they hate humanity.

Under the shadow of environmentalism they wish to return Australia to a natural state, devoid of the touch of man. This goes against God’s law, where He commanded Adam and Eve to go forth and subdue the earth.

They use aboriginal paganism as their broadest justification. The aboriginals themselves are merely tools; the Left would no more invite an aboriginal to live next door to them than the uncouth larrikans in that famous musical number, famous for Australians at least. But aboriginals are very fortuitous and effective tools at that, symbolising so many aspects of the Left’s current thing.

People are saying enough is enough, but it is never enough for the Left. They cannot stop, they will not stop, they can only become ever more leftist as a shark must swim in order to survive. There is no arrival point for them on this matter. They will have already turned their attention to the next area that needs to be sealed off from human intrusion, and they will make sure that it is big and that it impacts as many of the despised soon-to-be White minority as possible.

That White minority is now struggling to survive in their own cities. It is not enough to work two jobs, Whites cannot compete with the influx of foreigners, flush with cash and willing to sleep eight to a room in conditions that compare much more favourably to the countries which they left. The government cries that the situation is complex, when the exact opposite is true.

With a federal election looming, the populace places their hopes in the opposition to resolve the constructed crisis, blissfully ignorant of the fact that mass immigration and multiculturalism have had bipartisan political support for over thirty years.

Australia is a dead man walking. They want us dead, they want us gone. South Africa and Rhodesia were the test cases, now they are doing the same but only after mass importing the required brown and black belligerents.

The White liberal left are systematically shutting off access to the countryside or selling huge parcels of it to foreign corporations in order to eliminate it as a potential way out for Whites wanting to flee the modern curse of diversity.

Be sure of the fact that neither of the two major political parties will do anything to stop this runaway train. They will talk about anything except this issue as they prepare for the coming election. But in the end it matters not. We aren’t voting our way out of this mess.

This article originally appeared on Pushing Rubber Downhill and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

Header image: Lake Eyre (By patrickkavanagh – https://www.flickr.com/photos/patrick_k59/48372059862/, CC BY 2.0, Link – cropped).

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