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State Library of Victoria under fire for drag queen story hour and gay disco aimed at kids

The State Library of Victoria has ignored a petition with more than 13,000 signatures requesting the cancellation of gay festival events for children including a drag queen story hour and an LGBT-themed disco.

The petition was started by former MP George Christensen, who described the library’s participation Melbourne’s LGBT Midsumma Festival as “outrageous”.

“These events are more than just controversial; they represent a seismic shift in societal norms, right within the walls of a taxpayer-funded library,” he wrote.

“Drag shows and gay discos, inherently adult in their content and context, being peddled to children younger than 12 years old are brazen attempts at radical LGBTIQ+ indoctrination, far removed from the library’s core mission to educate.

“By hosting these events, the State Library Victoria has morphed from a trusted educational resource into a hotbed for cultural and ideological warfare. This isn’t just an overstep; it’s a slap in the face to families who expect a library to be a safe and neutral space for their children.”

The events featured “rainbow-themed” storytime sessions with LGBT hosts including a dancer on Monday January 22, a magician on the 24th, a writer on the 29th, and a drag queen named “Dandrogyny” on the 31st.

The four Midsumma “special guests” who performed for kids at the State Library of Victoria this month

The petition was signed by 13,440 people, but the library president Christine Christian said in a statement: “As in 2023, together with City of Melbourne, the State Library is participating in Midsumma family programs with a focus on providing LGBTQIA+ parents and carers the opportunity to engage their children in craft, stories, poetry and dance.

“All events are ticketed, and children must be supervised at all times by their parent or carer. The books, songs and activities are all age appropriate.

“As a library for all, it is appropriate that all families feel welcome and engage with the Library.”

Supporters of the event posted images of themselves outside the library to celebrate the event going ahead.

Supporters of the Midsumma events outside the State Library of Victoria

“Seriously proud of our queer community defending our right to hold drag storytimes. Thanks to Midsumma Festival, Victorian State Library and Rainbow Community Angels for ensuring yet another event wasn’t cancelled due to far right bigotry,” one person wrote.

Other social media users criticised the library, calling it an “abomination”.

“Disgusting and disgraceful. Leave the children alone,” one wrote.

“Pure evil,” said another.

Sea Life Sydney Aquarium is holding a similar event in February, while earlier this month a drag queen story hour in Perth was the scene of a confrontation between protesters and a library-goer.

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