British and Portuguese children have become the latest victims of a civilisation-wide rampage of violence against White children.
Three children have died and another eight were seriously wounded after a 17-year-old of suspected Rwandan origin assaulted them with a knife while the children attended a Taylor Swift-themed event at their dance school.
The media, for its part, has continually reminded readers that the 17-year-old attacker was born in Cardiff. A practice the media has adopted quite widely in its never-ending attempts to stop popular backlash against the foreign criminals being visited upon the West.
Let us not forget the 50-year-old Algerian man who stabbed three children and a teacher outside of a school in Dublin in December 2023 was an Irish citizen, a fact the Irish media repeated ad nauseam in some bizarre attempt to deracialise his crime. Similarly, when a Syrian man stabbed a 4-year-old German girl in a Wangen im Allgäu supermarket in April of 2024 it was the job of the German media to constantly remind the enraged German nation that the Syrian man was a “Dutch national” and therefore just as European as they were.
Countless American children, of every race and background, have died at the hands of non-White immigrants, many just this year.
In mid-June of 2024 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was sexually assaulted and then brutally murdered in her home by two illegal aliens from Venezuela. These illegal aliens were apprehended by the Border Patrol when they broke American law to illegally cross into the country, and were subsequently released into the homeland with notice of future court dates to process their asylum claims.
In another heartbreaking example, White Maryland teenager Kayla Hamilton, who was autistic, was raped and murdered inside her Maryland apartment by an alleged illegal immigrant and MS-13 gang member. Her mother is now suing the Federal government for $100 million in a case believed to be the first of its kind.
Returning to Europe, what nationalist can forget the brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola Daviet. Daviet was abducted in her apartment building by Algerian Dahbia Benkired. The Algerian woman then sexually assaulted, brutalised, and murdered Lola. Benkired also brutalised Lola’s body after her death before stuffing it into a suitcase and attempting to dispose of it.
Moving north to Sweden many will remember 11-year-old Ebba Åkerlund who died at the hands of an Uzbekistani driving a rented truck through a crowded shopping street. And 19-year-old Tommie Lindh who died heroically attempting to protect a younger girl from being sexually assaulted by a Sudanese migrant while at a party.
The list of casualties goes on, and on, and on. To continue listing names verges on the macabre.
Where Blame Lies:
While these criminal migrants are undoubtedly at fault for their heinous actions it is not on their shoulders where ultimate responsibility must be placed.
Rather, it is on the shoulders of Western politicians and the Western elite class where White publics must squarely place the blame. Every child who dies at the hands of a non-White is a child who would still be alive today had the West’s elite not pursued decades of immigrant policies that have consistently been voted down at the ballot box and decried in public opinion polling.
When Whites attempt to speak about demographic change, or even the incredible levels of immigration battering the West, they are decried as racist or their concerns are waved away as “the result of socio-economic tensions” which the elite class contends they can resolve without dealing with the core demographic issue.
The elite are allowing migrants to enter from countries that have such radically different customs when it comes to the treatment of women and children that it is unlikely Whites are capable of truly understanding the differences without first experiencing denial and then disgust. We are still in the denial stage and will remain there until a proper public debate can be had.

Mexico is the child trafficking and child sex abuse capital of the world while most of Latin America is not far behind. Child pregnancies are strikingly common and teenage pregnancies, especially among girls 14-16, are on the rise. Meanwhile, the United Nations has called Mexico one of the most violent countries in the world with regard to how it treats women and children. Upwards of 70% of Mexican women and girls have been physically or sexually abused and the number of femicides tripled between 2007 and 2021. The number of female disappearances in Mexico has exploded by a factor of 15 in the same period.
Mexico is one of the most violent cultures in the world and it is the culture that has supplied tens of millions of new migrants to the United States against the wishes of the American public and at the insistence of the American elite.
Rwanda, the supposed country of origin of the Southport stabber, also struggles with a culturally violent society that is entirely alien to White Western people.
Teenage pregnancy in Rwanda is on the rise, as is the number of cases of child sexual abuse and general sexual abuse. A report from the Rwandan government shows that 1 in 3 Rwandan women report being physically abused by their husbands while 46% report some form of spousal sexual, physical, or emotional violence.
For comparison, the UK government reports that only 6.9% of women and 3% of men report domestic abuse in the United Kingdom each year, with many of these cases being reoccurring incidents. It is further worth noting that 84% of all of these abuse accusations are for non-physical abuse while 12.9% are related to sexual abuse. These rates are still tragically high but are nothing compared to the violence visited upon women and children in non-Western societies.
The Necessary Conversation:
The elite of the West will not allow Whites to have a serious discussion about the types, volumes, character, and origin of the people we are importing because if this debate were allowed to take place White publics would unanimously decide that these are not the types of cultures we want to live alongside, not least in our own countries.
The Western world, and particularly the societies derived from Anglo-Saxon Protestant origins, have long been a haven of safety and justice for White women and girls.
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote of America that:
The legislators of the United States, who have mitigated almost all the penalties of criminal law, still make rape a capital offense, and no crime is visited with more inexorable severity by public opinion. This may be accounted for; as the Americans can conceive nothing more precious than a woman’s honour and nothing which ought so much to be respected as her independence, they hold that no punishment is too severe for the man who deprives her of them against her will.
If mass immigration and demographic change are allowed to continue unchecked and the Great Replacement is not reversed then centuries of progress and safety for White women and children will be permanently lost amidst a sea of culturally aggressive foreigners.
This means that it is up to Whites themselves to force the conversation to move forward. We must force the public and subsequently the elite class to confront the fact that these alien cultures are predating upon the West and will not stop unless they are removed from the West itself.
The BBC is now reporting that British parents are ‘terrified’ to send their children outside for summer activities while Prime Minister Keir Starmer has said he prefers to focus on the efforts of emergency services to save children, presumably rather than focusing on the three children who have died at the hands of a Rwandan allowed into the UK because of people such as himself.
How many child sacrifices will it take before Keir Starmer wants to focus on the truth of the matter?
This article originally appeared on White-Papers and is republished by The Noticer with permission. Follow the White Papers Policy Institute on Telegram here.