The big news this week was an attempt by recently imported Sikhs in Victoria to rename a lake in Berwick Springs to someone who was born 500 years ago in India and had nothing to do with Australia.
The locals have pushed back and the Victorian Liberal Party have been cowardly cucks as usual. The Sikhs are also trying to build a temple in the area, much to the objection of the same locals.
We also had the Herald Sun attempt to rebrand in Hindi:
I think we need to have a conversation about immigration
— Jordan H Knight (@jhk_______) November 11, 2024
Not to be outdone, so did The Age:
Melbourne newspaper The Age is publishing articles in Hindi now.
Follow: @NoticerNews
— The Noticer (@NoticerNews) November 22, 2024
And even Kayo Sports:
Kayo sports is the same
— Alan Aardvark (@TheAlanAardvark) November 22, 2024
We also saw Sikh migration agents encouraging their diaspora to apply for visas using Australian childcare centres, because the standards have recently been dropped by the federal government:
Migration agent tells international students to start studying early childhood education as the ‘English language requirements have been relaxed’
— auspill (@aus_pill) November 21, 2024
And they lobbied the Liberal Party to block a cap on student visas because they couldn’t bring the rest of their diaspora out and support their shitty business models of chain migration. Sikh migration agents were celebrating on TikTok that the bill was killed:
Indian migration agents celebrate the Australian government’s failure to pass proposed caps on international student numbers:
— auspill (@aus_pill) November 23, 2024
Dan Tehan sold out for a rogan josh.
And that’s just this week.
This is just the latest instalment of an ongoing and increasingly aggressive attempt to erase Australia’s history and culture, which is now using Indians and most notably Sikhs, as the preferred bioweapon of choice.
All this nonsense about Sikhs being some kind of “magical Indian” that’s better than the other Indians should be put well and truly put to bed now. The average normie will bring up something superfluous like the Sikh Volunteers, but will never ask why we need to import volunteers (because apparently we never had charities before) and that it’s really just a PR stunt to justify more Indian migration.
Sikhs also supported the Voice to Parliament:
Which brings me to my main point.
They’re using aboriginal grievance politics as a sword and a shield to attack Australians and erase our country and history.
AIJAC Chairman Mark Leibler has done this for years and most recently with the Voice to Parliament. Mabo and native title was the work of Jewish lawyer Ron Casten. There are dozens of other examples, but you can see now what the attack vector is and who may be coaching them to do this.
Check out this interview by auspill with Sikhs justifying why the lake in Berwick Springs should be named after them:
Interviewing Indians and Aussies on the controversial changing of an Australian lake’s name?
— auspill (@aus_pill) November 20, 2024
We’ve seen this tactic before at the permanent visa protests:
“Isn’t it ironic to celebrate Indian Independence while living in Australia?”
— auspill (@aus_pill) August 15, 2024
It’s aboriginal land, White man, so we get to steal it even though we didn’t ask them. We get to collectivise in our own political interest but you don’t. We’re not colonising it like you, we’re just renaming it in honour of ourselves turning up 20 minutes ago and having no part in building the country your ancestors made, because we made a choice to come here for our own economic self-interest, paid for entirely by you.
The absolute audacity of these people who have turned up last week and are currently demanding that we change Australia to suit them, should ring alarm bells for even the most braindead normie thinks having a vindaloo delivered cold and late by student visa holder Harpreet at 2am isn’t worth trading your country and your future for.
Australians were sold this immigration lie that “assimilation and integration” would occur. Well, that’s unequivocally total bullshit and really just a code word for a slow burn replacement and erasure of Australia. This should further illustrate the point that multiculturalism is just an ethnic head count and when the numbers are high enough, they’re emboldened to assert their political will as you’re seeing now.
Just like the Muslims launching their own voting bloc, the Sikhs and Indians want in on it too and it looks like Victoria is the epicentre. It doesn’t also help when the Premier Jacinta Allan is going to India begging for more students/Uber drivers to keep its struggling economy on life support.
Indians and the Sikh community don’t care about Aboriginals. They’re too busy fighting it out in Federation Square over Khalistan:
Indians and Pro #Khalistan supporters came face to face in Melbourne, Australia. In video this can be seen, Indians are beaten by the Pro-Khalistani Sikhs.
— Regional Warfare? (@RegionalWarfare) January 29, 2023
And demanding blasphemy laws because Muslims are burning their Sikh texts:
Sikhs march through Melbourne CBD demanding blasphemy laws after their religious text was allegedly burnt by a Muslim individual in Perth.
— auspill (@aus_pill) September 10, 2024
Or running over our kids while driving taxis.
Or allegedly abducting them from petrol stations and not being charged for it for days:
You want to do something about aboriginals? Go and solve this:
This footage from inside a police vehicle
— Action for Alice 2020 (@actionforalice) November 12, 2024
Yeh, I didn’t think so.
Australians need to organise politically against this increasingly hostile foreign encroachment from Sikhs and fast, because they won’t stop until they’re stopped.
As I wrote last week, Canada is the canary in the coalmine and we don’t have to follow their example.
Header image: Sikhs with the aboriginal man who performed a “welcome to country” before Berwick Springs Lake was renamed after the founder of their religion