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Shadowy pro-Israel ‘surveillance network’ is putting Australians on a ‘hate speech watch list’

A US-based pro-Israel “surveillance network” is spying on Australians in order to report them to the government for alleged anti-Semitic or pro-Hamas views.

Shirion Collective claimed to have set up meetings with Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and shadow minister James Paterson and discussed presenting them with names from a watch list, the Guardian reported.

The group boasts of having a AI tool which it uses to identify and track individuals who they allege express pro-Palestinian or anti-Semitic views online, and claims it can scrape “digital fingerprints to aggressively track and expose anti-Semitism”.

Shirion Collective has in the past offered bounties for personal information about people in videos posted on their X account, and has posted about creating deepfake videos to harass their targets.

Leaked screenshots from the group seen by the Guardian allegedly show Shirion Collective members talking about mass reporting those they disagree with to have them banned from social media, and adding Australians to a list.

These included individuals who has posted a wide range of content, from conspiracy theories and alleged anti-Semitism to pro-Palestinian material.

The group has also tagged employers and academic institutions in posts identifying people who have allegedly posted content they dislike.

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