‘Long Covid’ was fake all along and the term is harmful, bombshell new study finds
‘Long Covid’ symptoms are indistinguishable from those suffered after other viruses.
‘Long Covid’ symptoms are indistinguishable from those suffered after other viruses.
Republican attitudes on immigration issues have held steady since the 1990s.
The mandates had limited effect on increasing vaccine uptake, and significant negative consequences.
Simon McCarthy-Jones of Trinity College Dublin reveals why people develop right-wing views.
An introduced mouse species is wreaking havoc on the world’s largest albatross colony.
The pesticide is linked to infertility, disrupted fetal growth and delayed puberty.
Now GlaxoSmithKline wants its RSV vaccine paid for by the taxpayer.
Cities with higher Black populations have higher rates of firearm homicide, researchers said.
Authorities did not “follow the science” when imposing non-pharmaceutical interventions, the report found.
Microplastics reduce a bacteria that inhibits viruses spread by mosquitos.
Anti-gun groups had warned the opposite would happen.
Analysis of polling data from the US, Germany, the UK, and South Korea shows that there is a growing “ideology gap” between men and women aged 18-29.
There are 100 times more pieces of plastic in bottled water than previously estimated.
The study debunks the theory of systemic racism.
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