The Aryan invasion of India
How modern science has vindicated an old theory
Ants hold grudges against aggressive competitors, a new study shows.
A new study shows birdsong has hidden benefits.
Tiny microplastic fibres were detected being exhaled by bottlenose dolphins.
New research shows Prozac in water harms male guppies.
What happened in East Palestine offers many lessons.
Breathing may introduce plastic particles to the brain.
Neanderthal remains found in France were genetically distinct.
Global action is needed to tackle the problem, scientists say.
Only China, the US and India released more carbon in 2023.
A new study debunks popular explanations for the ‘no’ vote.
The arrival of foreign species threatens Antarctica’s wilderness ecosystems.
53.2% of the monkeypox patients in Ireland were foreigners.
During the Cretaceous period much of north-eastern Australia was underwater.
Most of the Maya human sacrifice victims were children, and some were twins.
White evaluators were more likely to recommend Black applicants for university admission.
Not a single challenge trial volunteer developed a sustained Covid infection.
Liberals are also more likely to rate conservatives as prejudiced.
The study found particularly large increases in six types of cancer.
Humans took over the world while Neanderthals went extinct, but it’s not because we were smarter.
The findings mirror a psychological effect termed “learned helplessness” seen in many species, including humans.
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