Leeds, United Kingdom – Sam Melia, the UK-based nationalist jailed over politically-themed stickers, has now been denied access to his own children by prison authorities.
According to a statement by Melia’s wife, Laura Towler, prison officials have classified her non-violent husband as a so-called Person Posing a Risk to Children (PPRC) due to his perceived “racist and offensive attitudes”. Additionally, Towler states that she cannot mention her kids during visiting hours or provide him with pictures of their two children.

“My husband, political prisoner Sam Melia, has been banned by the state and HMP Hull from having any contact with his children while he is in prison,” read a statement on Towler’s official Telegram page. “Not only this, but he is not allowed any photographs of our children, and I’m not even allowed to mention them to him when I speak with him.”
“After serving three months of his sentence already and having full contact (including visits) with our two-year-old and one-month-old daughters, they have now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children because of Sam’s ‘racist posters, insignia and literature’ and ‘racist and offensive attitudes,’ it continued.
According to a policy and procedure outline listed by the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership, UK prisons are required “to actively encourage prisoners to maintain meaningful family ties while they are in custody.” However, they also have the “statutory duty” to “identify prisoners who have potential or confirmed” risk of harming children.

Melia, who was sentenced to prison earlier this year for “inciting racial hatred” for his role in the production of lawful, truthful stickers, had a clean criminal history and is a non-violent offender. His incarceration has already ensured that he has missed the birth of his second daughter.

Many of the stickers Melia was said to have created warned of racial demographic change, with taglines that read, “They have to go back,” “There is a war on whites,” and “They seek conquest, not asylum.”
The prison term was handed to him by Judge Tom Bayliss KC, a civil servant with a documented history of letting pedophiles and other deviants off with a suspended sentence. After what some have called a “draconian show trial,” Melia’s plight quickly took hold throughout sympathetic organizations all across the world, with some even marching in protest of his heavy-handed repression.
In a statement published on the official website of Towler and Melia’s Patriotic Alternative, Towler asserts that in order to shake off the full contact restrictions that come with a PPRC classification, the two must first complete a “multi-agency risk assessment” process, which could take weeks or even months to fulfill.
“I’ve asked HMP Hull to clarify why a man found guilty of encouraging the stickering of lampposts has restrictions put on him that sound more fitting for a child abuser,” said Towler. “They’ve informed me that whenever somebody is flagged as a PPRC, they get the full force of restrictions put on them until an assessment is carried out. In order to get this assessment moving, Sam has had to fill out a form for both of our daughters to say he wants contact with them.”
“…It could be weeks or even months. This means that Sam will miss out on maintaining a strong relationship with our toddler, building a relationship with our newborn baby, and our children will miss out on seeing and speaking with their dad,” she continued.
The criminal justice system in the UK appears to turn a blind eye towards those who actually prey on children, however. In October, it was reported that rapists, sex offenders, and child predators could soon be spared jail entirely, citing data that alleged English and Welsh prisons were at full capacity. The move coincided with a plan to release many lower-risk inmates to free up beds.
In November of 2018, a convicted member of a grooming gang was allowed by the UK government to “play a part” in the raising of a child with the woman he was convicted of raping. While neither the victim nor the suspect was named in the report, it further alleged that the inmate was allowed a chance to seek visits from the child.
“These restrictions are complete overkill for a “criminal” such as Sam and amount to nothing more than the political persecution of a loving father and husband,” Towler continued. “Sam is heartbroken at the prospect of not being able to see his children and although our newborn baby has no idea what’s going on, our toddler is confused as to why she’s no longer allowed to see or talk to her daddy.”
The apparent hypocrisy did not go unnoticed for long. Online, those who consider themselves longtime allies of Towler and Melia rushed to show support. They also urged others to get active in spreading awareness for what could only be described as an intolerable act of political oppression.
“Absolutely sick to my stomach over this. Even after all the shocking injustice done to Sam and his family, I didn’t think the UK “government” could be this inhumane and cruel,” said pro-White podcaster and dissident artist Emily Youcis on X/Twitter. “Completely maddening. Let’s get this insanity trending!!!”
“Jailed simply for being a Nationalist and putting up pro-White stickers= not punishment enough in the eyes of the state,” said X/Twitter user Katie Campbell. “They must crush anyone who disobeys the destructive new world order by any means necessary. We’re dealing with a special level of evil.”

Pro-White activists who prioritize their people over foreign interests are often targeted with judicial “lawfare” and face prison time for merely questioning the status quo. In the United Kingdom, Melia is joined by activists James Costello, James Allchurch, aka Sven Longshanks, and Kris Kearney, aka Charlie Big Potatoes, who were sentenced to lengthy prison terms for equally nonviolent and politically motivated infractions.
Just this year, Marie-Thérèse Kaiser of Germany’s nationalist Alternative for Germany (AFD) party, earned a criminal conviction for the thought crime of “incitement to hatred.” Kaiser was slapped with heavy fines for merely associating an influx of refugees from Afghanistan with gang rapes on social media. The incident would come just after four Germans were arrested for simply leaving flowers at the window of Adolf Hitler’s Austrian birth home.
On Friday, a Muslim knife attacker was filmed brutally stabbing counter-jihad activist Michael Stürzenberger at a protest in the German city of Mannheim. The terror attack sparked further debate over uncontrolled immigration into Europe, and the steps needed to stem the flow.
Patriotic Alternative would like those upset by this incident to contact Complaints and Correspondence at HMP Hull via email or letter. For a sample letter and more information on how to proceed, you can visit PA’s website HERE.
This article originally appeared on Justice Report, and has been republished by The Noticer with permission.