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Media - Media Shame File - Opinion


Corporate press gushes over baby being deprived of a father


Outlet: All of them

Summary: Last night brown lesbian Australian soccer player Sam Kerr, who is facing racially aggravated harassment charges in the UK for allegedly calling a police officer a “stupid White bastard”, announced that her homosexual American soccer player partner Kristie Mewis was pregnant.

No details were given about who the father is, or how Mewis was impregnated, but the corporate media celebrated the prospect of a child being deprived of a father from birth nonetheless. No outlet addressed any of the obvious questions surrounding the pregnancy.

Instead, every article on the announcement was written as if two women announcing a pregnancy was perfectly normal. The phrasing ranged from the factually incorrect – “Kerr is having a baby” (she isn’t, Mewis is) – to the cautious by still incorrect – “Kerr is going to be a mum” (she’s going to pretend to be a mum – real mum’s give birth).

The average human, however, is not as dumb as journalists tend to think and Kerr’s celebratory Instagram post soon attracted popular comments simply asking “how?”

But rather than question their own coverage, the press doubled down with a new round of articles denouncing “homophobic abuse”. The New Daily (TND), for example, ran an article titled “Homophobic abuse of mum-to-be Kerr condemned by fans”. And by fans they meant a homosexual soccer supporter group. No average fans were quoted.

And no evidence of the so-called abuse was provided either, of course, since journalists have invented a convenient excuse for not backing up their claims when it comes to accusations of -isms and -phobias: printing offensive content supposedly causes harm and trauma, so we just have to take their word for it.

All in all this is an excellent example of how the corporate media works in lockstep to ram their radical left-wing ideology down the throats of the general public in order to normalise degenerate and harmful behaviour, and then smear anyone who dares to object as “abusive”.

Subtext: “Reject what you know if true, there is nothing wrong with two women raising a baby without a dad”

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Media Shame File