Media Shame File
Outlet: Salon (far-left corporate media outlet that publishes paedos)
Headline: Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fuelling MAGA
Summary: You’ve actually got to hand it to Salon for this one. They’ve managed to take a crime wave involving women being randomly punched by Black and brown people while walking down the street in NYC, and turn it into an attack on White males, conservatives, and Trump. Blacks are playing the knock-out game? Here’s why it’s Jordan Peterson’s fault!
Key quote: “Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages” [FACT CHECK: Partially true – the men are of different non-White races, see image above for the suspects in four of the most recent alleged attacks]
Subtext: “Hate yourself, White man, everything is your fault”