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It’s time to put One Nation out of its misery

Last week, we had a controversy where Sikhs had managed to persuade the self-loathing women at the Victorian Government to rename a lake in Berwick Springs after them.

I also wrote at length about the subversive nature of the Sikh community and how they’re hiding behind Aboriginal issues to attack Australians. Well this week, it’s Pauline Hanson’s turn to grovel at the feet of the Indians with turbans brigade.

Pauline was in Perth visiting a Sikh temple because… who knows why you’d even do that:

Burqas bad, turbans good – thanks for clearing that up about which foreigners we should grovel to, Pauline.

That whole thing came after a Sikh candidate named Parminder Singh who can’t even speak English announced himself as running for One Nation in WA:

You can see he’s been coached well, reading the same “we’re all one race” self-loathing, Generation X colour blind nonsense that you usually hear from the Libertarian Party and cuckservatives.

However, as we’ve seen over and over, once he gets enough numbers his true colours will come out and Khalistan and every other domestic Indian issue will come to the forefront:

The turban has now become the Australian version of the Wailing Wall humiliation ritual, although Australia’s ruling class enjoys and practices both:

This is not new from One Nation. They ran Indian candidates at the last NSW election who were absolutely destroyed and didn’t win a seat let alone many votes. Pauline also personally endorsed an Indian at a Queensland by-election two years ago.

This foreign infiltration stuff is allowed to happen because the party has no formal branch structure and is basically run by homosexual ex-Liberal Party operative James Ashby and Pauline. Members have no local branches they can attend and stop infiltrators like this from commandeering the party.

This is not news to regular readers of The Noticer, but for those newcomers it should be clear that One Nation is now a nationalist containment operation and a grift, selling rum and making mediocre cartoons (even their solitary episode on immigration, after they were bullied into doing it, used Italians because they were too cowardly to be demographically accurate).

Let’s not also forget One Nation’s Jewish MP in South Australia, Sarah Game, using her first act of parliament to pass “hate speech” legislation banning the Swastika.

One Nation also won’t support mass deportations or repatriations, despite many European countries and Donald Trump pushing for or enacting them. Instead opting for dead-end, civic nationalist cowardice or “zero-net migration” where you get legally replaced at a slightly slower rate.

Civic nationalism is already thankfully dying worldwide. It always devolves into a racial headcount and this is what is occurring with One Nation now. Australia as usual seems ten years behind, but we should be learning from other’s mistakes instead of replicating them, like Canada.

Nigel Farage outed himself and Reform as doing the same last month:

Pauline and One Nation are basically the same version of Reform here. Their job in 2024 is to misdirect you and waste your time and prevent genuine nationalism from arising. They didn’t use to be like that and it all changed in 1997 when AIJAC infamously doxxed the membership as an act of intimidation and egregious foreign interference in Australian politics, that still remains unpunished.

I will give them credit (especially Malcolm Roberts) for some of the work they’ve done on the renewables scam and other issues like the family court. Their policies are also better than most. However, at the end of the day that counts for naught when you’re grovelling to foreigners and terrified of being called a racist while you’re being replaced.

That being said, I’ll still probably vote for them as they are the least worst option on the ballot but I won’t be expecting anything other than the usual gatekeeping and 1990’s boomer conservative schtick.

Step over One Nation, and let’s move onto genuine nationalism. Homeland Party in the UK is a good start.

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