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UK government warns nationalist group not to do charity work for White British families

A nationalist group has been threatened with legal action by the United Kingdom government’s Equality and Human Rights Commission for promoting a Christmas charity campaign aimed at helping White British families in need.

Patriotic Alternative founder and leader Mark Collett shared a January 9 letter from the EHRC threatening “regulatory action” – which could include legal action or a statutory investigation – as a result of the group’s Operation White Christmas toy drive.

The letter warned Patriotic Alternative not to “unlawfully discriminate against a person requiring a service, such as a customer or prospective customer. It is unlawful to offer a service to people on the basis of their colour, and such conduct would amount to direct discrimination on the grounds of race” contrary to the Equality Act.

Mr Collett said: “The Equalities Commission have taken issue with our White Christmas campaign – a campaign aimed at providing support at Christmas for disadvantaged White families.

“There are dozens if not hundreds of charities that exist to help ethnic minority groups, all of these are legally registered and smiled upon by the political establishment and media.

“Patriotic Alternative is the only pro-White group in the UK that does charity work for the benefit of White communities, and now we are under attack.”

Among the charities that do similar work for specific ethnic groups are Jewish Care, which provides support for the Jewish community in London, and the Jewish Youth Fund that provides grants to Jewish organisations which are UK registered charities and whose beneficiaries are of the Jewish faith.

Those that exist to support Muslims in Britain include the National Zakat Foundation which distributes money to Muslims “who are struggling to pay bills, put food on their table and provide for their families”.

Many more have been set up to specifically help black people in Britain, including a foundation set up by the rapper Stormzy.

Patriotic Alternative are a nationalist community and activist group which campaigns against mass immigration in the UK and advocates for native Britons.

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