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Australia’s open borders agreement with India is biological warfare

As the federal election draws nearer, both sides of Australia’s uniparty are out doing what they do best, and that is grovelling to foreigners.

Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton were both out this week cosplaying as the third world, with Indians being the chosen diaspora to kneel before.

While Albanese was up to his usual schtick, Dutton put out this tweet:

Making our nation better – by assaulting a female airport worker in Perth and getting off with only a fine, overstaying a visa in Melbourne and not being jailed for armed robbery, or even being jailed for 40 years in Sydney for multiple counts of rape.

On top of that, Education Minister Jason Clare was gloating about building a Hindu school in Western Sydney with our money, while a massive Hindu complex complete with pagan god statues was being unveiled around the corner. This is similar to a huge statue that was put up in Canada last year.

And that’s just a small sample from the last week of how open borders with India improves Australia.

This must be all that “assimilation and integration” that I keep hearing about from the containment right. These migrants all signed the Australian values statement when they got their visa and agreed vaguely to the nebulous ideals being proffered by our cowardly conservatives and libertarians.

All of this has been accelerated post-Covid due to the virtual open borders agreement Albanese signed with India without the consent of the Australian public.

No-one in current political circles is proposing to cancel this agreement with India, let alone reverse it. One Nation have claimed they would, but they’re running Indian candidates so you know they have their serious hat on. Malcom Roberts was also out crying poor for Indian businesses in Queensland:

Seriously, you couldn’t find one Australian owned business doing it tough?

The Libertarians are no better and are now going full Con Inc:

In the wake of Chinese warships circling Australia, Fred Pawle was out asking Indians if they would fight for Australia if invaded:

As we all know, Indians are famous for telling the truth.

We’re now asking a foreign diaspora that’s attempting to colonise us if they’d fight against another diaspora attempting to colonise us – that’s where we’re at as a country. Generation X’s civic nationalism and need for validation from foreigners will be studied by historians for years.

All of the above and more is just an example of what is essentially the ethnic cleansing of Australia via immigration – they are attempting to erase us via the use of crude biological warfare brought in via 787.

It’s not ethnic cleansing if it’s done legally, at least that’s what Australian boomers seem to believe.

The UN’s definition of genocide under Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide is an interesting read:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

I would argue that parts c) and d) are particularly relevant to the Australian experience, given our birth rate is suppressed below replacement due to huge influxes of foreigners driving housing and cost of living through the roof and preventing family formation.

Our quality of life is now the worst in the first world:

That’s on top of all the increasing anti-Australian behaviour our ruling class are spewing out. They don’t care and are acting on purpose, as evidenced on Q+A last week:

Moving large numbers of people in to economically and politically marginalise them without an overt military assault is a tactic as old as time. The Han Chinese did that to Tibet, and now Australia has the two different diasporas facing off over it on our streets today because that’s a normal thing:

The Indian diaspora has been used a number of times to this effect last century, to attempt to achieve exactly the same outcome. Idi Amin eventually expelled them from Uganda in the 1970s, they were mass deported from Burma in the 1960s after being brought in by the British, and more locally there is the case of Fiji, as Martin Sellner explains:

The good news for Australia is that remigration can be done again, at any time.

I argued a couple of weeks ago that you can just do remigration if you want to, as other countries are beginning to right now and has been done countless times throughout history.

If Denmark, a country much smaller than ours and more left wing, can reverse its demographic decline due to reinstituting strong borders and remigration initiatives there’s no reason we can’t except for lack of will.

Because if remigration isn’t done and done soon, then we’ll end up as nothing more than a bigger, more dysfunctional version of Fiji at the current trajectory.

Header image credit: BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha.

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