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One Nation goes full retard

Since Pauline Hanson‘s return to politics in 2016, One Nation has been a shadow of its former self. Upon her comeback the party attempted to market itself as anti-Islam climate change skeptics, moderating from the softcore White Nationalism that fuelled the party’s emergence in the late 90s.

This formula, however, feels out of date in the contemporary political climate. The immigration issue is now taking centre-stage in Australian politics amidst a record migrant influx rapidly destroying our way of life with the insouciant backing of the donor-compromised major parties and rabidly antiwhite leftist maniacs.

With anti-immigration populists surging in support across the Western world and anti-immigration sentiment at all time-highs in 21st Century Australia, One Nation has been presented with a golden opportunity. An opportunity that it is wasting with such comical ineptitude it seems like intentional self-sabotage.

(Scanlon Institute)

One Nation has already long lost the support of the online dissident nationalist commentariat. The total lack of professionalism in the party coupled with its constitutionally entrenched leadership preventing its members from electing competent alternative leaders gives us no hope that the party can be fixed. We have largely come to the consensus that it simply must be destroyed to make space for a viable replacement. Thankfully it seems to have begun destroying itself with its own hubris.

(One Nation – Facebook)

There is one fundamental reason why One Nation’s almost entirely White voter base vote One Nation – the hope of keeping Australia as White as possible. Pauline Hanson’s preferred sales tactic to win over the Australian public in recent times, however, appears to be elaborate humiliation rituals to prove how not racist she is. This is of course does absolutely nothing to stop leftists from calling her racist. But it does rightly offend every red-blooded White Australian who regards the charge of racism levelled from the left as more compliment than insult. Who does Pauline think she’s getting support from?

This latest episode of cuckservative grovelling to migrant minorities was, however, just a prelude to such a farcical misstep that it dumbfounded even us cynics – the frankly retarded decision to run Parminder Singh for the upper house in the upcoming Western Australian election.

Parminder Singh is a Sikh Indian migrant who lacks the ability to speak or write grammatically correct English and has made several public statements in defence of the mass immigration of his fellow Indians. The idea that he’s motivated by ideological conviction to run on the One Nation ticket is laughable – it’s quite obvious that he’s just paying lip service to an established political brand in the hope of getting elected. The obviousness of this, and the sheer ineptitude of his communication skills, are a stunning indictment of One Nation as an entity.

The ridiculousness of fielding a stereotypical import as a candidate for an anti-immigration party was put on full display in his comically disastrous phone interview with the nationalist influencer What’s News. Singh showed a complete lack of awareness towards White Australian concerns about mass immigration, and he seemed completely oblivious to the policies of his own party.

For Singh, Australia is just an economic zone which needs to be flooded with immigrants who won’t demand the same standards of pay and working conditions that our ancestors fought so hard to secure. White Australians deserve to be replaced, according to Singh, because we refuse to slavishly work 80-100 hour weeks for less than $30/hr. He showed absolutely zero awareness of or consideration for how immigration depresses wage growth or is inducing a housing affordability crisis, and no concern for how White Australian culture is being trashed on the altar of multiculturalism. The destructive presence of people like Singh in our country is precisely why anyone votes One Nation in the first place, and they are running him for office! The situation is beyond a joke.

But it gets worse. One Nation’s WA state leader Rod Caddies put out this video last night in response to nationalist criticism in which he had Singh assure us in broken English that he agrees with Pauline Hanson’s net zero immigration policies. He then used the excuse of not speaking English well as to why he stated his contradictory support for mass immigration as recently as last week in his phone interview with What’s News.

He didn’t explain why he agrees with these policies of course, because he clearly is only paying lip service for the sake of securing One Nation’s endorsement. As without it, he stands no chance of getting elected. He is an obvious opportunist, cynically attempting to get himself elected on the reputation of the most well known party stupid enough to endorse him. He would clearly prefer the endorsement of one of the major parties if he could secure it, but they aren’t inept enough to run such an unsophisticated candidate.

What makes this particularly pathetic, however, is that Singh isn’t even competent enough to play the part and rhetorically defend One Nation’s immigration policy. He is too lazy and stupid to learn how to cycle through basic talking points on the negative economic consequences of mass immigration to the Australian people. And One Nation finds this acceptable and is willing to stake the reputation of their party on this clown.

To make matters worse, it has come to light that Singh, prior to gaining the One Nation endorsement while campaigning as an independent, actively campaigned in favour of immigration to “repopulate” rural towns.

Screenshots have also emerged from Singh’s facebook account where he defends the mass immigration of his fellow Indians in his customary grammatically incorrect torture of the English language.

The real question is, why did One Nation endorse this objectively horrendous candidate? What could possibly have motivated this decision? Every possible answer to this question is itself reason enough to hold the party in utter contempt and cheer on its demise. And the only possible motives are financial or tactical.

If the motive is financial, it shows that the party’s values are able to be compromised for a ridiculously low price. I can’t imagine Singh is offering anything close to the same type of campaign funding that the property developers are paying off the Liberal Party with to keep our borders open to infinite Indians.

If the motive is tactical, it shows that the party’s leadership have such low confidence in the supposed values of the party itself that they’re seeking to pivot towards the exact same pro-diversity “woke” stance held by the major parties. But at least when the Labor Party do DEI hires they find candidates that can actually speak English.

If this is seriously the tactic being pursued, even though the entire brand image of the party is built upon precisely the opposite, it honestly seems less embarrassing for One Nation if they were simply being paid to run Parminder.

But frankly I think the most likely conclusion to draw here is that One Nation are a party of idiots who therefore treat their voters like idiots.

And at this point, you’d have to be an idiot to vote for them.

Joel Davis can be found on X (where he is searchbanned by Elon Musk) and Telegram.

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