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No Australian wants to police a pro-criminal economic zone

There’s been a lot written lately about police recruitment numbers falling through the floor in every state across the country. As someone who was in the job for over a decade (got out before COVID) in Victoria, I thought I’d add my two-cent perspective on what I think is happening.

Why are police numbers critically low? I’ll do the best I can to answer but the reasons are many.

First off, I’ll try to avoid the cliches but policing is a thankless job. You deal with the shit of society every single day and get told you’re aren’t doing your job properly by people too cowardly to put the uniform on. Most people sign up with good intentions to serve their community, that’s certainly why I naively did. Yes, there are some bad eggs on power trips or who want the recognition, but for most people it’s about community and a sense of justice. For most officers, that is replaced by heavy cynicism about 6 months into the job when you begin to deal with the magistrates and defence lawyers.

Police ruined their reputation during COVID and I certainly would have quit in disgust. To be fair, it was really only Victoria Police that went batshit crazy. Every other state jurisdiction from what I saw managed the protests and dissent fairly well (except the AFP deploying sonic devices), they managed traffic and let people march. There were also a lot of VICPOL members that would call in sick on the day of the protests or go on leave, because they disagreed with the directives from Shane Patton and Dan Andrews – this was also not talked about.

To be fair, a ton of cops quit as a result of COVID. A lot also quit over the vaccine mandates and in the case of Victoria and the AFP, are being actively prevented from re-joining. There’s a ton of police members on pensions and long-term sick leave due to the vaccine as well, but that gets swept under the rug and is one of the factors contributing to the shortage right now.

I’ve currently seen the police’s reputation slide further due to allowing foreigners to protest for nearly two months outside the Home Affairs building and the harassment of people and organisations counter-protesting them. I don’t support any of this and many cops don’t, contrary to what people think.

Prior to COVID, if there was a protest outside the ABF building on La Trobe Street or Casselden Place, PORT and uniform would break it up and move them on within a couple of hours – I did this a couple of times in my day. Something has changed and I believe there is a deliberate stand-down order being imposed by the federal government. We have two-tier policing here, make no mistake.

More to the point of the daily experience in uniform, the reality of policing in Victoria right now is that you’ll arrest some Sudanese repeat offender, do 5 hours of paperwork, drag him off to court where his Jewish lawyer will cry in front of the magistrate and he’ll get bail and go out and do the same thing hours later, where you then go through the exact same process.

On top of that internally, you have the usual poisonous, anti-White, pro-rainbow crowd shit being thrown down the average officers’ throat, resulting in cops in Victoria being fired for objecting to state-enforced homosexuality. The push for more female officers and promotion is another one, and I’m personally of the opinion that women cops should be restricted to certain roles and kept out of those where the chance of violence is high.

Sticking with the topic of violence, you have the ever-increasing public scrutiny with use of force incidents. Any time there is a use of force incident, it is then overly scrutinised by a bunch of midwit journalists and armchair commentators on social media, neither of whom have never had to deal with violence or recidivist offenders whose only understood language is pepper spray or a Taser.

On the extreme end of this you have Zach Rolfe’s treatment by NT Police and the ABC, and on the lower end you have the simple arrest of anyone who is indigenous being treated as discriminatory. This makes police apprehensive and the situation more dangerous for everyone, most of all the public.

And finally, the current salary and conditions for police are abysmal, particularly in this economy. Want to make $70k a year out of the academy dealing with scum all day, when you can’t afford a house, start a family or find a rental near your station? Well, do we have the job for you.

So, with all of that in mind, who wants to sign up? No actual Australians do, and that’s what is happening.

The takeaway from this whole rant is that I want people to understand is that from my perspective there is a very deliberate strategy to undermine our police and military. While I can’t speak for those ADF members, I can definitely vouch for the fact that the Cloward-Piven strategy is in play.

The main source of this as I see it is the behaviour of the judiciary (both the judges and the defence lawyers) who are deliberately destroying the social contract and setting violent criminals loose, while being mostly insulated from the consequences. But at the same time, they expect law abiding Australians to abide by the same social contract and will absolutely punish you for any indiscretion.

This is blatant demoralisation and you can see why there’s no real point enlisting to act as a glorified taxi service for Sudanese home invaders. Victoria’s judiciary is by far the worst in the country and is filled with some people I wouldn’t mind going 3X5-minute MMA rounds in the cage with.

You also have ideological capture of the upper police ranks which are all basically political appointments. This is why many cops choose not to go above sergeant level – you can still make decent money but not have to sell your soul to make Commander or Commissioner etc.

As a result of the above there is now currently an active move to recruit foreign cops. WA and SA have been doing this for a while with the UK Met with mixed results in terms of retention. While the current drive is mainly restricted to NZ, Canada and UK, it will be extended outward to every country which is incredibly dangerous and will lead to a far worse situation than there is now.

The obvious consequence is that you are now being policed by people with no connection to the community and do not have a stake in it, other than a pay cheque. They’re more inclined to be brutal, aggressive, not understand cultural nuances or build rapport and are more amenable to do whatever the ruling class wants of them – in short they’re foreign mercenaries.

If you think police corruption is bad now, wait until Indians are in uniform in number. I’ve worked with a few in my time that became paper Australians, they’re generally lazy and useless and also terrible at dealing with violence. Ironically, they’re now invading the Victoria Police Protective Service and problems are arising as foreseen there.

I don’t know much about most things in life but I know a lot about policing as it was my life for a long time. I hope this diatribe clears some of the current situation up, but I’m not seeing any great analysis of this dire situation for Australian law and order by anyone in the mainstream press – imagine my shock.

If you want a fix, then all of the above needs to be dealt with and it starts with the judiciary in my opinion. Good luck.

For those members still in, watch your six and stay safe as things are going to get even more testy than they currently are.

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