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Liberal Party supporter, 19, is charged over alleged failed terrorist attack in Newcastle

A teenager who allegedly intended to kill a Labor politician in a failed attempted terrorist attack in Newcastle allegedly expressed his support for the Liberal Party in a manifesto published online.

Jordan Patten, 19, appeared by audio visual link in Newcastle Local Court on Thursday morning charged with a single count of other acts done in preparation for, or planning, for a terrorist act.

Patten, from Raymond Terrace, New South Wales, was arrested at 1.35pm after allegedly travelling to Labor MP Tim Crakanthorp’s office in tactical gear armed with knives.

The court heard Patten was accused of going to the MP’s office “with intent to kill him due to his position as a member of parliament [and] in preparation of planning a terror attack”, ABC News reported.

He allegedly livestreamed himself entering Mr Cakanthorp’s office before leaving again and walking to the Newcastle Museum. Police allege he then left the museum and ended the stream before being arrested by officers with Tasers nearby.

Bail was refused and Patten will appear in court again in August. He faces life in jail if convicted.

Noticer News understands that in the 205-page manifesto allegedly written by Patten the author claimed to be right-wing, but not a nationalist or White nationalist. He allegedly said he was not a member of any groups of political movements, but liked the Liberal Party.

Police facts alleged the manifesto expressed “extreme hatred” for the Labor Party, and “intentions to kill” Labor politicians, and alleged that Patten admitted to being the author, The Daily Telegraph reported.

He also allegedly wrote long passages about the Iraq War, the Solomon Islands, war crimes, paedophilia, gender ideology, and on left and right wing politics.

Referring to the police facts, acting magistrate Anthony Spence told the court there were “strong overtones” of mental health issues.

Mr Crakanthorp said in a statement after Patten’s court appearance: “Thank you to everyone who has reached out at this troubling time.

“My staff and I are all safe and unharmed.

“I thank NSW Police for their prompt and effective response. I also want to thank the Newcastle Museum staff for their bravery and exceptional management of the situation.”

Patten’s arrest comes just days after far-left terrorists firebombed a Jewish MP’s office in Melbourne and sprayed the windows with extremist slogans.

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