As we approach yet another election cycle to determine who will hasten the pace of managed decline across the Australian economic zone, the social cohesion situation continues to deteriorate at breakneck speed.
The annual cycle of the destruction of Australian historical monuments has continued with another statue of James Cook defaced in Sydney:
A statue of Captain James Cook in Sydney has been covered in red paint and had its nose cut off, just days out from Australia Day
It’s the second time the statue, located in Randwick, has been vandalised in the span of 12 months
— 6 News Australia (@6NewsAU) January 24, 2025
Statues of Prime Ministers in Ballarat were also vandalised. The Queen Victoria statue was attacked late last year in the same vein.
We also had Muslim migrants celebrating these attacks on Australia’s heritage:
Muslim TikToker ranks 4 attacks on Australian monuments
— auspill (@aus_pill) January 22, 2025
And we had the usual incoherent diatribe from ABC teleprompter reader Tony Armstrong, this time calling for reparations.
I could go on, but this is just a brief snapshot of the annual “Hate White Australia” cycle that we’re subjected to from mid-November onwards. It usually begins with hearing which ASX100 corporate is not celebrating Australia Day and ends with statues being torn down and Lidia Thorpe having a normal one:
Senator Lidia Thorpe claims white people are becoming the minority in Australia
“Black and brown people are rising up,” Thorpe said
— Clown Down Under 🤡 (@clowndownunder) January 23, 2025
Apart from banning nationalists from attending an Australia Day rally in Adelaide, what was the response from the Australian government to all of the above this week?
“Sorry not sorry, the feelings of the Jewish community, representing exactly 0.4% of the population, are priority one.”
In the wake of more “anti-Semitic incidents”, NSW Premier Chris Minns confirmed that multiculturalism requires massive censorship of the host populace and new “hate speech” legislation is in the works:
NSW Premier Chris Minns says he makes “no apologies” for having stricter hate speech laws than in the US, with plans to further strengthen these laws in February.
He also emphasises that there is “no room for debate” on the matter of multiculturalism in Australia.
— Australians vs. The Agenda (@ausvstheagenda) January 17, 2025
That’s in addition to an anti-Semitism envoy, a dedicated AFP anti-Semitism taskforce, the eSafety Commissioner, the Race Discrimination Commissioner’s current anti-racism campaign and anti-vilification laws being proposed by both Minns and Jacinta Allan in Victoria.
Western Australia’s Premier Roger Cook also announced he’s giving the fewer than 10,000 Jews in his state $1.8 million to spend on “holocaust education”.
Furthermore, this thread gives a brief overview of just how much public money is now being poured into the Jewish community:
Some questions 🧵
Does Australia ACTUALLY have an anti-Semitism problem?
If so, can this problem be solved by throwing money at it?
If yes, how much money is required?
If no, why throw money at it at all?
— Ben Schalman (@OfficialT_P_V) January 17, 2025
And on top of all of that, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton announced earlier that he wants to put critics of Israel in jail.
Dutton went even further off the reservation, appearing on Mark Bouris’ podcast talking about the “hurt of White settlement” and that “we’re all Australians”:
The Liberal Party in 2025 is talking about ‘the hurt of White settlement’ 😐
— auspill (@aus_pill) January 24, 2025
On the other side of the uniparty aisle, Anthony Albanese called (ie. was bullied into) a National Cabinet meeting to discuss the “anti-Semitism crisis” that has resulted in a proposed national database to track anti-Semitism.
This is in the face of allegations from the AFP claiming that the incidents in question are being directed from overseas, which we all know in advance is going to be announced as either Russia or Iran – set your watch to it.
National Cabinet is another one of those illegitimate things that has come out of COVID and has been normalised, much the same as the cancellation of Australia Day in Victoria. Speaking of which, the media is already trying to attack a rally celebrating Australia Day in Melbourne, as Blair Cottrell explains:
Fighting the gaslighting 🇦🇺
— Blair Cottrell (@b_cottrell89) January 24, 2025
The attacks on Australia Day and the history of the country are just one part of this assault. At the other end, we’re seeing escalating violence against White people.
Just to name a recent few, we’ve seen a baby have hot coffee thrown over him and the Chinese assailant flee overseas. We’ve had a grandmother stabbed to death in front of her granddaughter allegedly by a Sudanese teenager at a shopping centre. And we’ve just had a 19-year-old life guard bashed by a gang of Afghanis in Melbourne.
There’s either been no political response to these incidents, complete cowardice, or this from a One Nation candidate in Victoria:
When is enough, enough??
The recent violent assault on a lifeguard at Casey ARC is yet another proof of how out of control youth crime is.
The lifeguard was conducting his job – ensuring public safety – and it turned into a nightmare because of the sense of entitlement these…
— Bianca Colecchia for Bruce | PH One Nation (@BiancaColecch) January 23, 2025
Yeah sure, let’s just throw billions more of our money at unwelcome foreign squatters which hasn’t worked, instead of deporting them – it’s migrant crime, not youth crime.
The antiwhite hate has gotten worse with immigration and multiculturalism being shoved down the public’s throat for 50 years, and we have reached the crescendo.
Throw in the aforementioned demoralisation across the spectrum, from saturation of Aboriginal activism with a maximum dose of White self-hatred and Australia has become a Molotov cocktail, not the “melting pot” the multiculturalists like to claim.
In reality, Anglophobia in Australia is now a 24/7, 365-day per year affair.
If we want these attacks on Australia to stop then White people need to organise and start playing as a team politically and leave aside this “rugged individualism” atomised boomer nonsense which has only facilitated the destruction of the country that you’re witnessing now.
The British Australian Community have begun exactly that, with an effort to defend our heritage and reverse the erasure of Australia through the Name Back campaign. It may not initially appear much, but it’s a start and 1000% better than complaining about our predicament on X.
On the plus side, White identity is becoming more of a hot button political issue which is increasingly evident observing the now many attempts to gatekeep and derail it into such topics as “multiculturalism bad, multiracialism good” and “Australian values” etc.
We need to start holding our own national cabinet meetings to address this, because it’s evident that the current one views us as public enemy number one.