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Multiculturalism advocates are reaping what they sowed

As things escalate in the Middle East closer to World War 3 and more “refugees” are told by Israel to go to White countries, things are also escalating on the streets of Australia.

Last month we saw pro-Palestine protestors get roughed up by Victoria Police for trying to stop an arms exhibition in Melbourne.

We also saw Sikhs marching in the Melbourne CBD wanting blasphemy laws:

And we still have Africans running amok across Australian capital cities, machetes in hand:

Now two weeks in a row we have seen thousands of imported Muslims and Lebanese take to the streets to support Hezbollah, a prescribed terrorist organisation by the government mainly because AIJAC and Israel tell them who to put on the list.

In response, outrage erupted from the Jewish lobby, and Peter Dutton wanted people partaking in the protest to have their visas cancelled. Awesome, but too bad that the tends of thousands of Lebanese we’ve brought in since the 1980s, and who have been a fantastic contributor to organised crime and NDIS rorts, have Australian passports. They just need to assimilate better after 40 years and we need to spend trillions more on this.

All of this chaos is a direct result of Jewish lobbying and political interference on Australian immigration policy going all the way back to the 1960s.

Multiculturalism isn’t failing, it’s working as intended. It’s been successful in white-anting the host Australian populace and creating parallel ethnic societies within our borders, who are now all fighting each other for their share of the tax revenue and political power of the White people who built and founded the country.

Up until now it’s also been successful in justifying a massive police and surveillance state to try and hold the whole mess together, but with police recruitment numbers in the toilet the façade is falling apart as you’re seeing now.

It wasn’t Gough Whitlam that removed the White Australia Policy or Al Grassby, it was Walter Max Lippman, a wealthy Jewish multiculturalism advocate from Melbourne. If you haven’t read Brenton Sanderson’s excellent essays on this topic over at the Occidental Observer then you need to, it’s a must for every Australian to understand exactly how we got here. I’d also recommend Multiculturalism in Australian Politics by Marc Lopez, who talks in depth about Lippman’s relentless subversion and lobbying of the Immigration Department from the 1960’s onwards.

Further, here’s Gough explaining how Jewish lobbyists blackmailed him over the Yom Kippur War in the 70s:

The same continues today.

Frank Lowy, Isi Leibler and Richard Pratt were also three of the biggest supporters and financiers of multiculturalism and immigration from the 70s onwards, with Lowy being involved in setting up multicultural broadcaster SBS.

To the present day, we currently have ongoing protests in our capital cities from Indians demanding permanent residency. These are being organised by Jewish activist David Glanz of the Refugee Action Coalition.

Further to this, the Australian Jewish Association were recently calling for more Hindu migrants from Bangladesh because the situation deteriorating there is somehow Australia’s problem:

David Manne, a Jewish refugee lawyer from Melbourne, was a key figure in killing off the Malaysian Solution of sending illegal boat arrivals to Malaysia in 2011. Manne is still working to keep criminal immigrants in Australia, recently representing an Afghan sex predator refugee. He was also upset when an Iranian man who claimed he was suddenly bisexual to avoid deportation has his case struck down by the High Court.

Last year we had 300 hundred violent foreign criminals released from immigration detention because of a High Court decision, aka the NZYQ case. This was the second time in two years this has happened, as a similar case (Pearson vs Home Affairs 2022) unfolded at the Federal Court in 2022.

This only happened due to the approval of our Jewish Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, allowing a Rohingyan Muslim who raped a 10-year old child to cry before the High Court about why he shouldn’t be incarcerated for the rest of his life. It costs on average about $20,000 just to file papers at the High Court, let alone the rest of the finance required to plead your case if the High Court decides to hear it.

And of course Harry Triguboff’s infamous quote about bringing in more migrants if interest rates go up is just one of his many transgressions, as he continues to scream for more foreigners to stuff in his overpriced, poorly built Meriton shitboxes.

Of course, there are White traitors involved in all of this but the point is Jewish lobbying and active interference since the 60s has contributed to the predicament you’re seeing now in Australian streets.

Currently, the Jewish lobby is screaming for deportations of Hezbollah and “terror” supporters. This is all posturing in my view, as they lobbied for years to have these bioweapons on Australian shores for their own purposes. They need them here to create further chaos so we aren’t focused on them, and they aren’t serious about deporting them.

Ideally, Jews and Muslims should be made to leave Australia and fight out their stone age battles in the Middle East where they belong, not on Australian streets. Plenty of IDF soldiers and Hezbollah recruits here that can go and bolster each side’s respective ranks.

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