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Police attack peaceful nationalist protesters with batons and pepper spray at ‘refugee’ rally in Melbourne

Disturbing video has emerged of Victoria Police officers using pepper spray and batons on a group of peaceful nationalist protesters who crashed a “refugee” rally in Melbourne on Tuesday afternoon.

About 30 black-clad men from right-wing activist group the National Socialist Network formed a line and chanted “Australia for the White man, the rest must go” in front of hundreds of immigrants demanding permanent visas and their far-left supporters in Docklands on Tuesday afternoon.

Footage from the rally shows left-wing extremists hurling abuse at the group before police drew their batons and and used pepper spray to push the right-wing group down the street. Another clip seen by Noticer News shows one of the men in black being kicked by a Victoria Police officer before another strikes him with a baton.

The counter-protesters then unfurled a banner saying “fuck off, we’re full” in a nearby park where they chanted “hail victory”, “blood and honour” and “White man fight back”, and sang a song with the lyrics “Are we ever going to see your race again? No way, get fucked, fuck off” while radical leftists screamed insults from behind police lines.

Nationalist activist Joel Davis posted a photo of himself drinking milk after rally captioned: “Milkmaxxing after getting pepper sprayed by ZOG earlier this evening”.

Victoria Police said in a statement that there were no injuries or arrests at the rally, and said about 300 people attended the demonstration calling for so-called refugees to be allowed to stay in Australia forever.

“Officers formed a line to separate the two groups before they were forced to deploy OC [pepper] spray,” police said.

“Police will assess the circumstances surrounding the demonstration and review vision of the incident and people involved.”

Victoria Police deploy batons and pepper spray against the peaceful protesters (Noticer News)
Video shows police kicking and striking a peaceful counter-protester with a baton (Noticer News)
Nationalist activist Joel Davis after being pepper sprayed (Joel Davis, Telegram)
The rally was attended by hundreds of so-called refugees and their far-left supporters (Free Palestine Coalition Naarm – Instagram)

The far-left demonstration was billed as a “closing rally” after police finally ordered the immigrant protesters to pack up their noisy encampment outside the Home Affairs office on Bourke St where they have been protesting for 100 days.

David Glanz, a Jewish pro-refugee activist who has been helping organise the protests, told The Age that Tuesday’s demonstration was “a real festival of resistance, celebrating the incredible sacrifice that refugees have made with 100 days of round-the-clock encampment”.

The “refugee” protesters, who has also staged protests in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, have been organised and supported by anti-Australian left-wing extremist organisations including Socialist Alliance, and have been involved in ugly clashes with police and members of the public.

They are also backed by the Victorian Socialists, who want to “radically reorganise society” and aim to abolish capitalism and create a classless socialist republic in Australia.

Similar scenes unfolded in August when the National Socialist Network turned up with the same banner, and sang the German anti-immigration anthem L’amour Toujours with altered lyrics to match.

The protest comes just over a week after the group marched through the New South Wales town of Corowa with a banner reading “White man fight back” to protest the replacement of the local workforce with immigrant labour by multinational meat processing giant JBS.

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