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Nationalist slams media for ignoring near-fatal Melbourne CBD bottle attack – African/Arab suspects still on the run

An Australian nationalist has slammed the Melbourne media over their treatment of an alleged glassing attack that left him needing emergency surgery for deep cuts to his neck.

Jimeone Roberts, 31, was allegedly hit with a bottle on Queen St in Melbourne’s CBD at 1.20am on August 14, 2022, and rushed to The Royal Melbourne Hospital with serious injuries to his neck and face.

Victoria Police in October that year released images of two men they believe may be able to assist with enquiries – one of African appearance, and the other of African or Middle Eastern appearance, but the incident was not reported on by any mainstream media outlets.

Police released images of two men they believe may be able to assist with their enquiries

Melbourne Crime Investigation Unit detectives are yet to identify Mr Roberts’ alleged attackers, and there have been no arrests or charges so far, Victoria Police said this week.

Mr Roberts has since made a full recovery, but told Noticer News the corporate press in Australia had shown their biases in their treatment of the incident, and did not seem to care about stories involving violence perpetrated by ethnic minorities.

“The fact of the matter is that the mainstream media exists solely to perpetuate an anti-White agenda by ignoring elements that don’t align with their narrative and hyper-focusing on anything that does,” the right-wing activist said.

“They are the enemy of the people and should be treated as such.”

Melbourne CBD glassing Jimeone Roberts
Mr Roberts needed emergency surgery for deep cuts to his neck
Melbourne CBD glassing Jimeone Roberts
Mr Roberts has since made a full recovery
Melbourne CBD glassing Jimeone Roberts
Mr Roberts said the media’s treatment of the alleged attack showed they were the “enemy of the people”

Prior to 2018 Melbourne’s African gang problem was regularly reported on, but after pressure from the Sudanese community, left-wing media outlets and the state’s Labor government, Victoria Police stopped publishing the nationalities of offenders in their crime statistics.

At the beginning of that year, even then-Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton weighed in on the issue of African crime in the city, which at that time was receiving national attention.

“The Victorian public is really outraged by some of the goings on … the reality is people are scared to go out to restaurants of a night time because they’re followed home by these gangs, home invasion and cars are stolen,” he said.

Mr Dutton also called upon the Labor government to “call it for what it is – of course it’s African gang violence”.

The then-deputy police commissioner Shane Patton, who was later promoted to Chief Commissioner during the Covid lockdowns, said at the time that the there was no African gang problem because “networked criminal offenders” were not technically “gangs”.

The crime statistics for the year ending in March 2018 showed that Sudan and South Sudan-born offenders were overrepresented in crime statistics by a factor of 10 – committing 1.1% of the offences despite being 0.1% of the Victorian population.

They also committed 3.8% of aggravated burglaries, 8.5% of aggravated robberies, 1.5% of car thefts, 1.2% of common assaults, 4.9% of riot and affray offences, 1.8% of serious assaults, and 0.7% of sexual offences in the state.

At that time Victoria was home to Australia’s largest South Sudanese population, about 9,000 people, most living in Melbourne.

In 2021, Africans, mainly South Sudanese, made up 19% of the young people in custody, while being only 0.5% of the youth population.

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