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Hunt for skinny knife-wielding African armed robber in Melbourne

A knife-wielding African thug is on the loose in Melbourne after trying to rob a man at knifepoint in broad daylight last month.

Victoria Police said on Thursday a man was walking north along Anthony Street from Abeckett Street in the CBD at about 4.45pm on February 15 when he was approached by the offender, who was walking in the opposite direction.

The offender then threatened the victim with a knife and demanded he hand over his mobile phone, police said.

The victim gave up his phone, but when the offender handed it back to him and ordered him to log out of his phone accounts the victim ran off.

The offender then searched for the victim before eventually leaving the area, police said.

Investigators with the Melbourne Divisional Response Unit have now released images of a man who they believe may be able to assist with their enquiries.

“The man is perceived to be African in appearance, approximately 170cm tall, of thin build, with short, close cropped black hair,” police said.

“He was seen wearing a black ‘North Face’ hooded jacket, dark blue shorts, black ‘Nike’ sneakers with white highlights and was carrying a blue jacket.”

Header image: A man who police believe may be able to assist with their enquiries (Victoria Police).

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