Media claims immigrants lift wages (fact check – FALSE)
The article’s central claim is not backed up, and not true.
The article’s central claim is not backed up, and not true.
The ABC tries to “debunk” crime fears with statistics, but ends up showing assaults are at record highs.
CNN did not cover the story when it happened.
You’ll find no better example of the “minorities are the real victims” story than this.
Journalists are suddenly worried about free speech when one of their pet causes, Palestine, is on the wrong end of a crackdown.
It appears that if you are black and in the anti-racism industry no-one is allowed to reject or edit your work.
The Age was joined by the Guardian, News.com.au, SBS, and the Daily Mail in attacking Robinsons Bookshop owner Susanne Horman.
This story was Sydney Morning Herald’s main Australia Day article, and was just an excuse to promote anti-Australia propaganda.
Peter van Onselen does not explain how his extreme populism theory accounts for politicians constantly doing unpopular and bad things that voters don’t want.
This piece is just an excuse to publish the far-left and anti-Australian views of two Indigenous women.
Leigh Sales writes an analysis piece for the ABC where she claims Donald Trump is popular because he “creates his own reality”.
CNN can’t just report on the farmer protests in Germany and give a balanced account, they have to make it a right wing extremism fear piece
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