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Media - Media Shame File - Opinion


Media union upset over humiliation of ‘woman of colour’ journalist


Outlet: Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (Australia’s media union)

Headline: MEAA National Media Section resolution

Summary: A lot to unpack here, but the background to this is the exchange in the X post below – left-wing Indian ABC reporter Anushri Sood shows her ignorance by asking by asking Peter Dutton “What determines the fact that Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation?” and he humiliates her with his response.

Being a journalist, Sood should know why Hezbollah is listed as a terrorist organisation (it’s publicly available information and has been widely reported), but her stupidity did not stop there – at another point in the interview she asked why people were allowed to fly the Israel flag but not the Hezbollah one. We won’t insult you by explaining how dumb this is.

Sood should have resigned in disgrace after this, but instead she found herself defended and lionised by corporate and state media journalists who accused Dutton of “bullying” behaviour.

The MEAA then released an official resolution not only accusing Dutton of “intimidation”, but also taking the ABC to task for not defending her, in a statement full of leftist gobbledegook:

We stand with Anushri Sood and her ABC colleagues to condemn the intimidation and bullying of journalists.

We are appalled by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s behaviour and ABC management’s response.

Following its new commitment to protect staff of colour, the ABC failed to show the leadership and values needed to be a robust defender of truth.

It is a journalist’s right and duty to question how policies are made on issues impacting the Australian public and wider global community.

We support our members’ rights to hold power to account by asking honest and fair questions.

The ABC’s public silence on the intimidation of their journalist, a woman of colour, further perpetuates the racism an internal review issued on the same day highlighted.

This is a watershed moment for the national broadcaster, and Australia’s leaders, to recognise the role diverse media plays in the pursuit of transparency, truth and fairness.

We examined the ABC’s racism review in a thread on X here:

Long story short, no actual racism was found, an aboriginal law firm got lots of taxpayer money to carry out the review, and as a result the already left-wing ABC gets moved even further to the left and more of your money gets spend on anti-racism training for already not-racist journalists.

According to the MEAA you can be ignorant and terrible at your job as long as you are a “woman of colour”, and your employer should defend you against anyone who dares to criticise you.

We also note that Sood benefited from a 12-month “Woman Of Colour Mentorship” by Media Diversity Australia, a far-left DEI non-profit that wants to reduce the number of White men in the media, and finished high school at Sydney’s prestigious Pymble Ladies College, which charges $39,486 a year for tuition.

Key quote: “The ABC’s public silence on the intimidation of their journalist, a woman of colour, further perpetuates the racism an internal review issued on the same day highlighted”

Subtext: “Criticising brown women for being bad at their jobs is racist”

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Media Shame File