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Martin Place humiliation

It is natural and normal for a conqueror to build a monument or holy place on the ground of an important military victory, or over the holy sites of its subjugated foe. Islamic conquerors are no exception, with the construction of the Dome of the Rock and the cultural appropriation of the Hagia Sofia being deliberate desecrations of Christian holy sites.

Thus the appearance of a black cube at Martin Place is intended as an act of ritual humiliation.

From The Noticer:

Australians have reacted with anger and disbelief after a Muslim monument was quietly erected in the heart of Sydney near the scene of a 2014 Islamic terror attack.

On Monday Anglo-Celtic advocacy group the British Australian Community shared a photo of the object, a replica of the Kaaba in Mecca, with the caption: “An Islamic black cube erected only 50 metres from the Lindt Café, and 200 metres from an Anzac Memorial in Martin Place, Sydney.”

Two innocent Australians died in the Lindt Café siege after being taken hostage by an Iranian Muslim refugee, and the 10th anniversary of the attack is just weeks away.

But this is not the first time the replica Kaaba has been erected in Martin Place, with Muslim former Labor Party MP Shaoquett Moselmane celebrating the display earlier this year. He described it as “a unique and historic initiative. First of its kind anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere”.

In April Muslims marked the end of Ramadan by taking over a large swathe of Martin Place to pray, sparking an angry response from ADH TV host Fred Pawle, who called it a form of “colonisation”.

“If [the fallen soldiers] saw this they would wonder why they bothered fighting at all,” Pawle said.

This stamp of occupation demonstrates that Muslims consider the Martin Place terrorist siege a military victory over White, Christian Australians. It also coincides with the establishment of a taxpayer funded official whose role is to criminalise any opposition to this stamp of occupation, plus a similar position for a representative of another Middle Eastern faction.

Curiously, the so-called “Special Envoy to Combat Islamophobia” has promised to criminalise public opposition to his purported enemy in a current foreign war.

“Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are not mutually exclusive: where there is one, you most likely will find the other, lurking,” he said.

“I don’t intend to use this role to advocate that one form of hatred is more important than another: both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are unacceptable.”

This is very telling. For almost a year the various factions of the Middle East have been bunker busting:

Blowing off balls:

And raining missiles on each other:

So what? For an Australian, they may as well be on the same side, and the public statements of Clownworld’s high priests make this very clear. However the gaslighting continues unabated, as the establishment relentlessly attempts to convince Aussies to pick a side.

The fact remains that each is as anti-White and as anti-Christian as the other.

Moreover, the Australian government continues the policy of mass replacement immigration of people that hate us at a net rate of over half a million a year. Joel Davis aptly summarises our situation:

“Jews have been publicly calling for deporting the Muslim anti-Israel protesters all year, yet their pressure groups that actually lobby the government have done NOTHING to push for it. This is because Jews don’t actually want them deported, they know they piss off right-wing White people and help them market Zionist sympathies to niave patriotic Whites.

”These calls by Zionist Jews for deportations is nothing more than a PR exercise. We have seen this script with no follow through play out already many times before over the past 12 months both here in Australia and across the Anglosphere. The only people in this country with a genuine political will to deport these browns are White Nationalists, and when we send them back we will be sending the Jews back with them.”

Put simply, the only friend White, Christian Australians have is each other, and Jesus Christ.

This article originally appeared on XYZ and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

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