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Australia - Opinion


Labor is creating a one-party state through mass importation of Indians

While Anthony Albanese was over at the Quad meeting asking Indian PM Modi how many visas he wanted this week, Labor policy hack Kos Samaras was going mask off about Indian migration with these two tweets:

This is standard Kos – make a claim, add an air of confected authority and refuse to back it up with anything other than some completely selective polling data. That and airing his daddy issues and historical Greek disputes with Turks that no-one cares about.

There’s no such thing as an Indian-Australian, just an Indian who moved to Australia for their own economic self-interest and got a piece of paper from some APS6 cat lady visa processer at Home Affairs.

No-one cares what Indians think about how Australia runs. Their country is enough of a shithole and these supposedly hard-working Indian migrants refuse to do any work fixing it.

They’re also bringing their shitty internal politics to Australia and just last week we had Sikhs marching through the Melbourne CBD, because they were upset about some Hindu burning a Sikh text in Perth.

At least it’s out in the open for the people who haven’t caught on, they want a permanent one-party state through mass importation of low IQ Indians – the primary objective is still making White people a minority.

They’re also trying to make their way into Australian politics. The Country Liberal Party ran Indian candidates at the NT election, following on from fake nationalist Pauline Hanson doing similar when NSW went to the polls last year.

Just wait until more of these corrupt, nepotistic clowns get parliament seats – they’re already destroying the Australian public service and just about every other industry in Australia.

The Indians need to go back to India and Kos should join them.

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