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Girl, 7, is allegedly gang-raped by 3 Roma men at a migrant centre in Ireland – sparking angry protests

Kildare Ireland protests migrant rape

Heated protests have erupted outside a migrant centre in Ireland after reports a girl, 7, was raped by three Roma men at the facility.

Video footage shows a crowd of angry locals holding signs saying “it’s the adults’ job to protect the children” and waving Irish flags as they faced off with police at a hotel in Kildare, south-west of Dublin, on Tuesday night.

The hotel is being used to house asylum seekers in County Kildare where a different protest two days earlier was held in opposition to plans to house 900 Ukrainian refugees in cabin-style accommodation, the Irish Independent reported.

Demonstrators at that rally claimed there had been no asylum seekers from Ukraine in the area for months, and that migrant centres in the area have been housing Nigerians, Albanians and Syrians instead.

County Kildare refugee cabins
Protesters oppose plans to house 900 refugees in cabin-style accommodation in County Kildare

The Tuesday night protests were sparked by reports that a seven-year-old migrant girl was raped in the grounds of the hotel.

A message circulating among locals said the child and her family were brought back to the hotel where the alleged attackers were still being accommodated, and that no arrests had been made.

“This has to stop – make a stand before it’s too late,” the message viewed by Noticer News said.

“Join South Dublin Says No and other concerned parents for a peaceful assembly at 6.30pm.

“God bless all in this fight and may he bless that poor innocent little baby and her family.”

Ireland’s National Police and Security Service told Noticer News: “Gardaí in Kildare are investigating an alleged incident of physical abuse against a minor by an adult directly known to them.

“An Garda Síochána is liaising with TUSLA on this investigation.

“An Garda Síochána is not investigating any further allegations, at this time.”

The protests come amid growing discontent in Ireland over mass immigration.

Ireland accepted more than 140,000 immigrants in the year to April 2023 despite a shortfall of 250,000 homes, and according to the 2022 census 20% of the country’s 5.1 million-strong population were born overseas.

Recent polls found immigration is now the third biggest issue among voters behind housing and cost of living. 75% said Ireland is taking “too many” refugees, and 28% said they would consider supporting a party with “strong anti-immigration views”.

Rising anger over immigration has resulted in 500 anti-immigration protests since 2022, many held outside asylum seeker facilities.

In November 2023 a knife attack by an Algerian immigrant on three young children sparked anti-immigration protests in Dublin where hundreds of demonstrators clashed with police.

The government responded with draconian new hate speech laws.

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