The American public is currently being inundated with stories about Minnesota governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s pick for the post of vice president. We are made to believe that Mr. Walz is a radical, a centrist, a leftist, a conservative Democrat, a pragmatist, and a visionary all at the same time!
Nancy Pelosi has already come out and defended Governor Walz from accusations, namely levelled by Donald Trump, that he sits on the ‘radical left’ end of the American political spectrum:
“I think he brings the heartland values — not that they aren’t values that we all share, but as are perceived by the heartland — to the debate,”
“And that’s useful every place in the country,”
“What works there works almost everywhere. What works, say, in my district in San Francisco might not work everywhere, but what works in the heartland of America works everywhere.”
“I can say this with some authority: He’s not on the left,”
“He was right down the middle, right down the middle in his values and leverage in the debate in the Congress.”
It is first worth pointing out that all of this talk about the “heartland” is really talk about White Americans. Tim Walz is White, wears a thick winter jacket and baseball cap, and speaks with a friendly, disarming accent. The embodiment of Midwest nice!
The problem for Democrats is that Tim Walz does not represent White Americans as a group and he doesn’t even represent Minnesotans particularly well. In fact, the Minnesota Democrats rule in a manner that is only a few steps removed from outright tyranny. Their political agenda and legislative record is nothing but a list of unpopular measures forced through without public support and on behalf of (generally minority-oriented) special interest groups.
We intend to go down a list of Tim Walz’s policy actions, especially regarding social policy, and compare these actions to the opinions of Minnesotans and Americans more broadly. It is not giving the game away to reveal ahead of time that Mr. Walz stands in stark opposition to what most Americans believe and in this way he is certainly not normal.
Transgenderism and Children:
Tim Walz’s administration in Minnesota has taken several actions to ‘protect gender-affirming health care’ in the state. Namely, he signed an executive order, running at some five pages, that enshrines protections for children seeking to change their gender. The state Democratic party also passed and Tim Walz signed a ‘trans refuge’ bill that blocks the extradition of children out of Minnesota if they flee there seeking transgender-related ‘healthcare.’
Tim Walz forced through these child-endangering reforms even though an American Experience poll revealed some 67% of Minnesotans are opposed to sex change operations for children under 18. A further 53% of voting Minnesotans opposed the sexual mutilation of children and only 10% of Minnesotan voters were strongly in favour of the measures taken by their governor.
These numbers are broadly in line with the national feelings on the issue. 51% of American voters feel it is morally unacceptable to change one’s gender while 44% find it to be morally acceptable. 62% of all Americans oppose sex change medical treatments of any kind for minors while only 34% support such ‘healthcare.’

On this issue, like many others to come, Tim Walz is not only out of step with Minnesotans and Americans but could truly be called a radical. Mr. Walz is endangering the welfare of the nation’s children and going so far as to keep them from their parents in pursuit of dangerous and often deadly medical procedures that serve no curative purpose.
Governor Walz, who often speaks emotionally about his own struggle to have children with his wife via IVF, is an abortion fanatic.
Abortion in the state of Minnesota is legal up to the moment of birth according to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion organisation. The state has shield laws to prevent other states from investigating its abortionist doctors and the state’s medicare fund covers the practice.
Once again Tim Walz finds himself on the radical end of the spectrum compared not only to most Minnesotans but compared to most Americans.
According to a Public Religion Research Institute poll, some 30% of Minnesotans feel abortion should be illegal in “most or all” cases. Just 26% of Minnesotans want abortion to be available in all cases while the remaining 41% of Minnesotans fall on a spectrum of legality based on conditions such as gestational period, rape, and medical emergencies.

These numbers do not diverge significantly from the national consensus on the issue. According to long-running Gallup polling some 50% of Americans feel abortion should be “only under some circumstances” while 12% of Americans oppose abortion in all cases and only 35% of Americans support the practice under “any circumstances.
Once again the Minnesota governor is far from a centrist or a “heartland” American on this issue. Instead, he represents a radical abortion up-to-the-point-of-birth faction that has come to dominate much of the American political and media scene despite widespread public opposition to unlimited abortion as state policy.
Homosexual/LGBTQ Issues:
Walz, who was once a high school football coach in the 1990s, has long been an advocate for introducing homosexual culture and education to children.
At the same time, the now vice presidential candidate was a football coach he helped to start the Mankato West High School’s first Gay Straight Alliance and it would seem he regularly promoted (then) sexually obscure ideas to these high schoolers.
Once again Tim Walz is the odd man out on these topics compared to the majority of Americans. According to the Pew Research Center, some 54% of Americans believe they should be able to opt their children out of education relating to LGBTQ issues. A further 64% of Americans believe that students should not be exposed to transgender issues in the nation’s K-12 schools.

While the Minnesota governor is working diligently to expose the nation’s children to sexually radical and once fringe ideas the parents of the nation he hopes to lead are quite strongly opposed to their children having to learn about such things in the schools their tax dollars fund.
Immigration and Demographic Change:
In the 1940s the 2.8 million residents of Minnesota, overwhelming the descendants of Nordic pioneers, were 99% White. By 1970 the 3.8 million strong population was still 97.7% White and one of the most politically dynamic in North America, often supporting third-party and outsider candidates in an attempt to blend local tradition with populist economics.
Since the 1970s and the series of radical policy changes made at both State and Federal levels, the population of Minnesota has increased to some 5.7 million, but the White share of that population has collapsed 20 points to just 76.3%.
The governor of Minnesota has come out very strongly in favour of continued mass immigration into the state, against the wishes of the population. Recent polling shows that 59% of Minnesotans opposed legislation that would make Minnesota a sanctuary state and 69% of Minnesotans feel the Federal government is not doing enough to tackle illegal immigration.
Despite these objections to continued demographic change the Minnesota state government is preparing to allow all immigrants, legal and illegal, to join the state’s healthcare program and receive taxpayer-funded healthcare.
The state has also become a hub of foreign lobbying. Recently the Prime Minister of Somalia visited the Twin Cities and implored the local, and large, Somali community to provide resources to their ethnic homeland to help it rebuild. This funding would not be resources of the Somali community, but of Minnesota taxpayers. 28% of all childcare and child assistance funding in the state goes to Somalis, despite the fact they are barely 1.5% of the state’s entire population.

Governor Tim Walz not only fails to accurately represent and fairly govern the people of Minnesota, but he fails miserably as any kind of serious avatar for “Heartland” (white) Americans and their political interests. He is not a centrist, a run-of-the-mill liberal, or a ‘conservative Democrat’. He is a radical seeking to change every aspect of American life by disarming the family, invading the private lives of individuals by interfering with their children, and by supporting the radical demographic change that is bringing America to its knees.
Tim Walz is not normal.
This article originally appeared on White-Papers and is republished by The Noticer with permission. Follow the White Papers Policy Institute on Telegram here.