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Who was really behind Epstein’s honeypot entrapment operation?

While the world’s attention was focused on the big nothingburger that was the so-called Epstein Files on Thursday, a second news story went relatively unnoticed.

The headline on the DailyMail.com article read:

High-end sex ring in Boston and D.C. areas was ‘honeypot’ scheme by Russia, China, South Korea or even Israel – to ensnare US officials, intelligence experts believe

The article detailed how the Korean-run high-end brothels a short drive from Congress and the Pentagon kept detailed records of customers and targeted politicians, high-ranking government officials and defence contractors and explained how the operation was likely a “honeypot” operation carried out by a spy agency.

The piece went on to quote a former CIA official saying: “Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unravelled.”

Jeffrey Epstein (State of Florida)

Clients had to provide ID, making the scheme “pure gold for an intelligence service running a honeypot”, the source said.

Sound familiar?

Jeffrey Epstein also had links to Israeli intelligence service Mossad via confidante and alleged sex trafficking recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father Robert Maxwell was widely believed to be an Israeli secret agent.

The allegations against Epstein are wide-ranging, but among them are claims he ran a sex abuse ring and entrapment operation providing underage girls to powerful individuals from around the world.

This aspect of the Epstein scandal has been largely ignored, notably by the same news outlets that screeched endlessly about “kompromat” after the fake Steele dossier on Trump was released as part of the media and political establishment’s years-long and ongoing effort to destroy Donald Trump.

The real questions we should be asking are: Who did Epstein collect compromising material on, who recruited him to do so, and in the years following, how has that dirt been used to influence US foreign policy?

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