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Indigenous artist is selling ‘Abolish Australia’ T-shirts with a violent image of a White man being speared to death

An Indigenous artist is selling T-shirts saying “Abolish Australia” and “dead colonisers harm no-one” alongside a graphic image of a white man in colonial dress being speared to death by an Aboriginal woman.

Charlotte Allingham, who describes herself as a “Wiradjuri and Ngiyampaa, queer woman from central west NSW” is selling the shirts for $90 on her online store, Coffinbirth.

The T-shirts also say “protect community, protect yourself, justice will prevail”.

An image of the artwork was posted on Allingham’s Instagram page on Australia Day with the caption: “Just abolish Australia altogether. The colony can get fucked.”

In response to a comment saying “Colonisers aren’t all white and they aren’t all dead” Allingham replied “not yet anyway”.

Other comments said “reckoning for the colonisers is long overdue” and “we’re well on our way now”.

“We don’t do Valentines. February 14th in my house is celebrated as Captain Cooked (sic) day,” another said.

Allingham’s artwork has previously been promoted by the taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS and used to illustrate stories on left-wing website the Guardian.

Similar sentiments were expressed by far-left extremist group Wage Peace Disrupt War, who openly admitted destroying a statue of Captain Cook in St Kilda the day before Australia Day and defacing the plinth with the slogan “the colony will fall”.

Thousands of militant Anti-Australia Indigenous protesters were allowed to march in Australia’s major cities on January 26 while chanting extremist slogans and calling for the destruction of the country, joined by pro-Palestine demonstrators.

At the same time a group of more than 60 flag-waving White Australian nationalists from the Nationalist Socialist Network were swarmed by police, detained for hours and prevented from attending any Australia Day events in Sydney despite declaring their intention to protest peacefully.

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