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India is weaponising its diaspora against Australia and traitors are allowing it

As Australia scorned Anthony Albanese this week for buying a coastal property during the worst housing crisis in its history, the borders were quietly being opened yet again.

As reported on by The Noticer but no other MSM outlet, Assistant Immigration Minister Matt Thistlethwaite was in India announcing that the working holiday maker program was being extended to India:

1,000 visas now, 1,000,000 next year because “demand is so high”. This just means 1,000 more permanent visa protestors and “asylum seeker” tribunal cases ahead, as none of them will go home and instead will do everything they can to stay and lobby for their families to join them.

Permanent migration is just temporary migration with extra steps.

Apparently, we also need Indians to make coffee because their food hygiene standards are world class. This is nothing less than absolute treachery from beta-male Thistlethwaite but that’s the rule not the exception.

This also makes Labor’s student caps completely redundant as they have pulled the old immigration trick of closing one door and then opening another one. This is yet another visa pathway that will be rorted and in six months’ time we will be uncovering said rorts.

But don’t worry, Mark Dreyfus renamed the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to the Administrative Review Tribunal, nothing a name change can’t fix.

As pointed out by auspill, foreign affairs has been captured by Indian nationalists who are selling visas:

Australia is being spied on by India and this will make the problem worse. We are also allowing them to commit heinous crimes and then flee overseas unscathed.

Our visa appeals and courts system are also being overrun, with fake students now switching to fake asylum claims.

Last year we had Sikhs and Hindus fighting each other in Federation Square:

We had Sikhs and Muslims marching for blasphemy laws just last month:

The permanent visa protests were capped off by Indians storming Home Affairs’ buildings demanding permanent residency:

And of course, we have all the other usual baggage. Uber scams, sexual assault, dangerous driving, modern slavery and doctors touching up their patients to name a few.

Of course, it’s not just Australia that is being invaded. Canada is being overrun and is now having to deal with repeated Sikh and Hindu violence on it’s streets, not to mention demands from the new arrivals. The UK and Europe are in similar predicaments.

None of this is possible without traitors within Australia facilitating this whole thing. Just today in the AFR we have a timely example:

Don’t expect Peter Dutton and the Liberal Party to do anything but increase the level of migration from the subcontinent:

And certainly don’t expect fake nationalist Pauline Hanson and “One” Nation to do anything different either:

It should be obvious to all and sundry by now that this is clearly a deliberate strategy by India and globalist types – flood every country it can with its diaspora so it can destroy cohesion and weaponise it to get what it wants. They’re colonising the country without a shot being fired.

Immigration and multiculturalism is just a modern form of conquering a country without a direct military occupation – just because you charge an access fee and file some non-binding paperwork, while also making it impossible to get rid of them by endless lawfare and bureaucracy, doesn’t make it any different.

I wrote about this last month with Kos Samaras admitting what the demographic strategy is on the uniparty’s behalf.

The supply on third world migration is infinite, India adds on average 13 million people a year and could replace Australians in two years. This is what so few of us seem to grasp in terms of what needs to be done.

You can make as many pointless videos about where to put your preferences on the how to vote card, it’s not going to matter when you are demographically overrun. They are already running for local and state governments and have infiltrated the public service. I am anecdotally told that Home Affairs is now increasingly full of Indian employees – migrants giving Australian citizenship to other migrants, a pure testament to the Economic Zone.

Mass deportations and remigration are the only solution and any politician or political party suggesting otherwise is either compromised or a coward that is afraid of being called racist and wants to leave the fight to the next generation.

The price of not doing something now it is losing our country forever.

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