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Australia needs an immigration ban not a machete ban

It’s been another week full of violent knife crime that doesn’t exist on Australian streets.

An African teenager was machete’d to death by a rival gang in Lyndhurst last Friday night.

There was more gang violence at Moomba in the Melbourne CBD, which is becoming a regular feature of the annual “family friendly” event. Not be outdone, an African gang knife fight which resulted in two wounded and seven arrested transpired in Adelaide.

And an African man who allegedly sexually assaulted two elderly women at knifepoint was arrested in Sydney.

This is while ten African men were found guilty this week of murdering a teenager in Brisbane in 2020.

Despite them being used in Australia’s sugar cane fields and elsewhere for two centuries without incident, the Victorian Labor gynocracy was out pledging to ban machetes in six months’ time and giving police search powers which won’t work either:

The other side of the state uniparty was out wondering why this was being done in six months’ time instead of right now, proving they support this stupidity as well and are completely useless.

In NSW, Chris Minns wants you shut up about the imported machete problem, lest you undo multiculturalism:

It’s clear to all and sundry that Africans are the cause of this. There are Islanders and some locals involved as well, but disproportionately it’s one demographic swinging the blade.

So much so, that they are now 50% of Victoria’s juvenile detention population.

The boomerslop media has responded with the usual gaslighting on this issue as they have done for the past decade.

The response from the general public in most of their comment threads?

“Banning machetes won’t stop knife attacks!”

“Machetes don’t kill people!”

Well, Australia’s long-ostracised gun owners would like a word with you, but it’s great to see people finally catch up to this realisation, nearly 30 years after the actions of John Howard following Port Arthur.

Australians who have been living in a fantasy land about the reality of violence for a couple of decades post-Port Arthur are legitimately getting a rude awakening about the reality of being defenceless, when gangs of foreigners with blades at your local shopping centre is now becoming a feature and not a bug.

The worst part is Australians are completely helpless against this. The WA government has recently passed more extreme firearm bans, essentially rendering the state inert. It appears now the Queensland government is doing the same.

The Chinese warships could literally just land now if they wanted to and the best we could do is send some menopausal public servant out to them to wave their finger at them and tell them they can’t do that.

On the positive side, not all Australians are taking it lying down though:

The federal political response has been as expected.

As I mentioned last week, John Howard and Amanda Vanstone are responsible for the African violent crime epidemic. The current incarnation of the Liberal Party has no interest in reversing this problem either, save for a 25% cut to immigration which they walked back to zero anyway.

Peter Dutton is once again posturing over foreign criminals:

Macgowan is spot on, we’ll deport a couple of dozen while we keep the borders wide open. Dutton will also do nothing about neutering endless tribunal or High Court challenges from hostile NGOs to keep these criminals in the country, which makes the whole thing another stunt on par with the “boats bad, endless planes good” mantra of the past two decades.

It’s just business as usual.

Dutton seems more interested in protecting Israel’s borders and the interest of the Jewish community anyway, as evidenced by his attendance at the still-unsolved Adass Israel Synagogue fire site this week.

In fairness, Labor did pass the deportation laws last year which has scope to ban immigration from certain countries from which there is no return agreement, and to pay third party countries to take them.

This is probably the only positive thing they have done on immigration in the last 50 years; however, they’re solving a problem that didn’t need to be created in the first place. It also remains to be seen if they will do this at all.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration is planning travel bans from certain countries:

Again, it doesn’t go far enough and believe it when you see it as the MAGA bros keep taking Ls on undelivered promises (see: Epstein files) but at least it’s on the table.

The solution to the machete problem is very simple – Australia’s borders just need to be shut completely and remigration needs to be enacted.

I personally don’t care how fast Gout Gout or Peter Bol can run – a dog born in a stable is not a horse.

It’s morbidly hilarious watching the IPA-drinking sportsball bros and media try to push these foreigners as darlings, while many of their fellow demographic slashes their way through Australian streets as they’re being funded with public housing and welfare.

African migration may be the most violent by-product of our immigration disaster, but we also still have mid-eastern tobacco wars, Chinese political infiltration, Jews and Muslims fighting over Gaza and general sordid behaviour from Indians to contend with.

There are the endless daily shenanigans, such as the Indian truck driving menace causing all kinds of fatalities, infrastructure and productivity-loss chaos on Australian streets:

Close the border and start deporting and most of these problems will go away.

Senator Gerard Rennick is heading in the right direction on this front with the release of his updated immigration policy.

It’s not perfect policy, but this is an absolute baseline if Australia is going to address its gaping wounds on our border and increasingly on our streets.

Remigration would be better.

Header imager: A machete-wielding thug during a home invasion in Black Rock (supplied).

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