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Australia - Opinion


Immigrants are using childcare centres as a back door to Australia

Another day ending in Y, another immigration loophole in Australia.

Here’s an Indian migration agent telling his diaspora to apply for early childcare studies, study being one of the easiest pathways to permanent residency and citizenship:

A guy that can barely speak English, advising other Indians who can barely speak English to apply for childcare studies because you don’t have to be able to speak English well.

Unfortunately he is correct, as from December 7 the standards for childcare educators will be downgraded yet again. It’s not like children who are learning how to communicate need someone that can communicate well in their own language.

The standards have been eroded time and again over the years by both persuasions of politics. The Liberals import more foreign workers, while Labor chucks more public money and “subsidies” at the childcare industry, essentially functioning as a bribe as prices continue to go up.

Peter Dutton must love it, considering how many childcare centres he owns.

Childcare workers are already massively underpaid, this is now just ensuring a race to the bottom. There also appears to be no industry in Australia that is currently not being driven into the ground by the Indian hordes.

In short, not only is it currently bad enough for the average Australian economically that both parents have to work just to try and pay exorbitant mortgages and every other inflationary cost due to immigration, you now have to put your kids in care with the same foreigners who don’t care about them and are just using it as a back door into the country.

Anecdotally speaking, I know of two work colleagues who have been concerned about “creepy” Indian men who barely speak English now working in their kids’ childcare centre. So much so, that one of them is considering pulling them out.

This is where we are at as a nation, and it’s the hallmark of the low-trust economic zone that we’ve become.

“Childcare Worker” needs to come off the skills list and the Migration Agent Registration Authority need to investigate.

Or we could just solve this and many other problems with mass deportations.

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