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HIV cases rise to 15-year high in England – a majority first-diagnosed abroad

press release from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has reported a significant rise in HIV cases in England for 2023, largely driven by diagnoses originating abroad.

  • New HIV cases in 2023 hit 6,008 — a 15-year high — with 53% of these diagnoses first diagnosed outside the UK.
  • 72% of individuals diagnosed abroad report Africa as their region of birth with Black Africans accounting for 38% of all cases in England.
A graph of 2023 data shows that a 53% majority of ‘new’ HIV diagnoses in England originated abroad. Photo credit: United Kingdom Health Security Agency

Background: According to HIV.gov, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that targets and weakens the body’s immune system by attacking the cells responsible for fighting infections.

  • HIV commonly spreads via sexual contact and also through the sharing of drug needles.
  • Homosexual men face extreme risk as “anal sex is the highest-risk sexual activity for HIV transmission.”
  • Without treatment, the infection will develop into AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

Why it matters: The rise in foreign-diagnosed HIV cases comes after net migration to the UK reached a record high of 685,000 in 2022, fueling widespread discontent with both the previous Conservative government and the current Labour administration.

  • Anti-migrant protests broke out across England over the summer after a knife attack left three young White girls dead and scores injured.
  • While many White protestors were prosecuted for petty speech crimes made on social media, physical crimes committed by non-Whites during the riots were largely ignored.

This article originally appeared on the Justice Report and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

Header image: A boat of African refugees awaits rescue by European authorities near the Libyan coast (United Nations)

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