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Guardian snitch reporter’s biased hit piece backfires


Outlet: Guardian Australia

Headline: News Corp quotes anti-immigration TikToker but fails to reveal ex-One Nation MP adviser role

Summary: Left-wing Guardian media columnist Amanda Meade put out a poorly written (eg. use of the bizarre and redundant term “self-founded” – are all journalists and editors illiterate these days?) hit piece on Migration Watch Australia’s Jordan Knight on Saturday, disguised as criticism of News Corp’s Daily Telegraph – red meat for her readership.

She shared a byline with Ariel Bogle, who on the same day co-published an article with Crikey activist-journo Cameron Wilson (known to collaborate with far-left extremists), and who has featured in Media Shame File before for her nasty attempt at ruining the life of a small independent book publisher.

The story on Migration Watch is a boring nothingburger which seems to be a result of Meade’s own personal biases more than anything else.

And Migration Watch soon pointed out that she had “liked” an X comment on a post from 2GB, sharing a segment where Mr Knight appeared, calling radio host Ben Fordham a “racist dog whistling imbecile”. A further browse through her likes reveals three more critical of Migration Watch or Mr Knight.

Meade is clearly not impartial when it comes to Migration Watch or the issue of immigration, and she’s also in violation of the Guardian’s social media policy which states (emphasis ours):

The Guardian and the Observer are renowned for fair and accurate reporting, and being trusted matters. Editorial colleagues – particularly those working in news – should remain especially mindful of blurring fact and opinion when using social media. Be aware that expressing partisan, party-political or strong opinions on social media can damage the Guardian’s reputation for fair and fact-based reporting, and your own reputation as a journalist. The same applies to likes and retweets.

But as well all know, social media policies and the like only really apply to those who are right of centre – lefties can say whatever they want with zero consequences, while cancelling conservatives as often as they can.

And that’s exactly what this article is about. The left-wing corporate press puts out hit pieces like these periodically to remind conservatives and right-wingers that anything they do on or offline will be subject to intense scrutiny, and it has a chilling effect on the entire media class.

But Mr Knight should take the article as a compliment, because if his anti-immigration campaigning wasn’t effective, they wouldn’t be trying to silence him.

Key Quote: “Migration Watch Australia said on X it is a “a non-partisan grassroots group of like-minded Australians”, and appears to be a one-man shop which pumps out anti-immigration TikToks for Knight’s 7,698 followers and his 92 followers on Facebook. [We chose this because it’s so petty and mean spirited]

Subtext: “If you are even vaguely right-wing the media will come after you”

Guardian snitch reporter's biased hit piece backfires Guardian snitch reporter's biased hit piece backfires Guardian snitch reporter's biased hit piece backfires

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Media Shame File